
Review of 2019 - part 1

A difficult year, it started well, but then progress almost stalled after I was unexpectedly catheterised. Once I had my prostate operated on and I got back to normal, I made some good progress so overall my painting output has been quite reasonable. The noticeable effect was that I couldn't work on any terrain, I usually do this in the garage when the weather is better. Overall output of 2,330 items, more on this in part 2.

Shows I managed to attend were Vapnartak, WMMS, Phalanx, Bovington, Britcon and Recon. I would have liked to attend more, but I just wasn't available at the right time/place, in particular it would have been nice to get to Partizan. The shows were all enjoyable, four were with the Lance & Longbow society, WMMS with SOTCW and Bovy as an normal visitor.

Gaming, most miniature games I played down at Deeside Defenders were Battlegroup and the Dan Mersey rules and I enjoyed trying a lot of varied armies with Patriots and Loyalists. Other evenings were filled with RPG, etc.

Progress against plan
  • Continue tricorne rebasing (just AWI now) plus extra/replacement cavalry units - all done
  • Medieval – More WOTR longbow/bill units, mounted archers, cavalry, Scottish cavalry , extra Crusader foot - not started - carried forward to 2020
  • Renaissance – Russian Soldatski, etc. using up the Strelets bonus figures plus Galleys - not started - carried forward to 2020
  • Revolution – doubling up my French and British forces in Egypt. One Additional Austrian line unit plus another in Austrian style uniform (Baden?), Maybe replace Springwood grenadiers?. - All complete, plus some unanticipated work on my Mameluke army
  • Napoleonic – work on the Spanish, continue the cavalry, acquire more early infantry, Tidy up French artillery, especially limbers, Pavlov Grenadiers - All complete
  • WW2 – bits and pieces (I'll try to avoid buying more), but I will buy and work on some Free French for Bir Hacheim - In general I managed to restrain myself, However I still have various oddments lurking at the back of the painting area.
  • Interwar - Rifs and more French Foreign Legion - All Complete
  • SYW – Hanoverian Infantry Brigade, more (French?) Cavalry, British guns - Incomplete, the Hanoverians were completed, the rest carried forward to 2020
  • WW1 – increase/rebase British - Just completed in time
  • WSS – French Infantry (Mars)- completed
  • 28mm – “skirmishing” WSS figures to provide some opposition for my pirates All complete along with some artillery and cavalry to accompany them.
  • Terrain – more buildings, wadis, vines, etc- not started, the only "terrain" worked on was some movement bases


  1. Good luck! Thanks for all posts. We are reading. :)

    Happy New Year!

  2. Not bad output for the year.
    Looking forward to see how 2020 turns out.
