
Persian planning

It's been rather quiet on the painting output recently, not because of holidays but so I can work out how I plan to make my Late Achaemenid army. The broad plan for this year is to paint

  • 4 units of heavy cavalry (6) - all HaT
  • 6 units of medium cavalry (6) - all HaT
  • 5 units of light cavalry (6) (3 with bow and 2 with javelins) - all HaT except one bow armed unit from Zvezda
  • 4 units of Kakardes (16) - all HaT
  • 3 units of Takabara (18) - a mix of HaT and Caesar
  • 2 units of javelin armed skirmishers (8) - HaT
  • 2 units of skirmishing slingers (8)
  • 3 units of heavy infantry archers (16) - all HaT
  • 1 unit of Babylonian Archers in close order (16) - HaT
  • up to 4 units of skirmishing archers (8) - all HaT
  • 4 or 5 four hose chariots - Zvezda
  • plus four or five command stands - Zvezda
  • in due course the remnants will be used to form a couple of units of Levy

The whole lot has now been de-sprued and sorted out, all that seem to be left over is a few Zvezda heavy cavalry.

useful/inspirational links
Wargames Atlantic Persians at Ancient Battles (link)

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