WW1 241
Medieval 190
Ancient 96
Modern 19
WW2 13
Looking at the plan in detail
- An Achaemenid Persian army, I've about 200 items already purchased - managed to buy extras at York and now underway with one unit finished, the rest of the ancients worked on were rebasing
- Cruel Seas - British/German/US flotillas of 6 boats each, plus some merchant ships- not started yet
- Black Seas - a small Dutch fleet (something a bit different from the norm)- not started yet
- Medieval – More WOTR longbow/bill units, mounted archers, cavalry, Scottish cavalry and extra Crusader foot- completed the WOTR bill/bow units and extra bits for Tannenberg including the Scottish cavalry pretending to be Lithuanians
- Renaissance – Russian Stoldatski, etc. using up the Strelets bonus figures plus Galleys- not started yet
- WW2 – bits and pieces (I'll try to avoid buying more)- just some snipers and a limber
- SYW – More (French?) Cavalry, British guns- not started yet
- WW1 – increase/rebase Germans for 1917 and add some French - Completed
- 28mm – “skirmishing” WSS figures to provide more opposition for my pirates and Spanish- not started yet
- Terrain – more buildings, fences, balkas/wadis, vines, etc.- not started yet
- Organise the forces for the Lance and Longbow games at York, which will be Tannenberg 1410 and possibly Montgisard 1177 at Recon- successfully ran Tannenberg and we had agreed to run it at Phalanx in June, but who knows if this will actually happen
Some great painting totals