
On the workbench - June 2020

Well progress has been steady, with a final burst at the end of May. Apparently I'm now allowed out to meet one person outside the house with social distancing, but that still means no gaming for the foreseeable future. So painting will be my main interest and hopefully see the completion of the late Achaemenid Persian Army

  • Persian commanders
  • Persian chariots, not sure about the scythed wheels, but they look fun
  • The Persian light infantry left over from last month
  • Persian levy just a couple of 18 figure units
  • 2 x Sdkfz 8 by 4D they are supposed to be Sdkfz 7 but they scale better as the 12 tonne type
  • Some more railway track, almost finished in May
  • A Panzer IV with commander for the John Dowman memorial build on the Wargames Forum
  • Then maybe I'll start on more Crusades stuff ot Terrain?

1 comment:

  1. Oooh, does that mean I can call round to annoy you? I've got a little bag of those Strelets bonus figures for you at some point.

    Cheers, Andy
