
On the workbench - December 2020

I feel I'm literally on the last leg, It's been a difficult year, but I've kept painting and I've nearly achieved my targets for the year. Currently what's left from November is well underway on the workbench

So I will be working on finishing of the last of the years objectives and also staring something new.
  • Finishing off the Crusader foot knights/heavy infantry and turkopoles
  • 28mm Colonial militia (already started - back left tray)
  • Another WW2 German winter limber as I found some wheels to fit an existing limber (started on back right tray)
  • Then loads of the new Vietnam figures from Redbox
  • Plus finishing off as much of the oddments that I have half started so I have a clean start for 2021


  1. Hi Will,

    To say your prolific is an understatment - just reading your posts leaves me breathless on the painting front. Just amazing rates of production!

    I think you would have been at recon this weekend and I wondered if you had any spare photos of the last two years you could share. I joined your LLBS participations both years.

    I was caught up in playing the game so never thought to take a picture.

    I think 2018 was a take on Lewes while last year was about some lakeland nobles.....

    I am missing the opportunity this year so I thought I might do a post on my site just to recon recon so to speak!



    1. Hi Will, I found a you tube clip of your game - the battle of Clifton 1475. I have posted a link.

  2. It would take me years to paint what you can create in only one, what is your secret ? :)
