
Normality resumes

Just been in the hospital, had an X-ray and seen the consultant. My fractured collar bone has now fixed itself enough for me to discard the sling and gradually restore the full use of my right arm/shoulder. No heavy lifting or cycling for at least 2 weeks, and I've got a lot of physio to do. Found a nice bag of books waiting for me on my return
A strong hint of work to be done on the early 18th century. Now to start painting.


  1. Good luck on your recovery. A fine collection of books to occupy you.

  2. Good to hear that you're on the mend ,Will. Only lift one book at a time :-)

    Regards, Chris

  3. Will,
    Good to hear you are on the mend.
    CarlL (Sotcw)

  4. hi will i look forward to your painting again. Tannenburg at VAP last year seems a long time ago now - you gave me some useful advice on painting plastics.

  5. Get well soon...that stuff won't paint itself!

  6. Great to here that you are well on the road to full recovery Will.
    All the best, James
