
Review of 2020 - part 1

Well what a year it has been, not at all as any of us planned. Lucky, I managed to get in two shows before lockdown, Vapnartak and WMMS. Had a great time at each presenting Tannenberg with the Lance & Longbow and a WW2 what-if raid on Andrevia with the SOTCW. From then on gaming came to a complete stop as I was "shielding" and then I finished it all off by breaking my collar bone. Overall painting output was good with 2,213 items completed

Progress against plan

  • An Achaemenid Persian army, I've about 200 items already purchased - Bought the extras needed at Vapnartak - Completed.
  • Cruel Seas - British/German/US flotillas of 6 boats each, plus some merchant ships- Completed, except for the merchant ships, which I still haven't purchased.
  • Black Seas - a small Dutch fleet (something a bit different from the norm)- Completed, although I'm tempted to add some 3rd rates.
  • Medieval – More WOTR longbow/bill units, mounted archers, cavalry, Scottish cavalry and extra Crusader foot- completed the WOTR bill/bow units and extra bits for Tannenberg including the Scottish cavalry pretending to be Lithuanians In Q3 more foot for the Crusades were added. I could say complete but there are still plenty of medievals in the stash.
  • Renaissance – Russian Stoldatski, etc. using up the Strelets bonus figures plus Galleys and crews- Completed
  • WW2 – bits and pieces (I'll try to avoid buying more)- Generally managed to keep to plan, but I did buy some more particularly at the end of the year
  • SYW – More (French?) Cavalry, British guns- Completed.
  • WW1 – increase/rebase Germans for 1917 and add some French - Completed
  • 28mm – “skirmishing” WSS figures to provide more opposition for my pirates and Spanish- started but not finished due to accident
  • Terrain – more buildings, fences, balkas/wadis, vines, etc.- Only a few bits completed - going to have to get this done in 2021
  • Organise the forces for the Lance and Longbow games at York, which will be Tannenberg 1410 and possibly Montgisard 1177 at Recon- successfully ran Tannenberg and we had agreed to run it at Phalanx in June, but this never took place. Montgisard is still work in progress
  • Q2 addition - I have decided to rebase my Ancient Greeks to match the Persians, so they can either provide mercenary units for them or fight against them.- Completed

1 comment:

  1. A pretty successful year modelling-wise. Must have had a good plan and lots of time to complete.
