
2021Q1 Progress against plan

A good start to the year, I caught up a lot during March and painted a total of 769 items
  • Ancients 334
  • WW2 140
  • Modern 132
  • Napoleonic 67
  • Colonial 64
  • AWI 26
  • Terrain 6

Compared to plan
I’ve decided to concentrate on five main painting/modelling themes this year, quite a bit is based on new and forthcoming releases:
  • Complete rework of my Vietnam War collection by integrating the new figures from Orion - started with the newly released figures from orion and waiting for more
  • War of Spanish Succession - French infantry and cavalry plus British cavalry, plus more as Strelets release them - just about to start work on these
  • WW2 Japanese for Battlegroup Pacific - not started, nothing purchased yet
  • Rebase my Early Imperial Romans - these are the last ancients that I haven't upgraded - Completed
  • Napoleonics, Prussian cavalry, reworking old artillery limbers, Russian peasants for skirmish scenarios, more Spanish cavalry, potentially upgrade British infantry? - completed the Prussian cavalry and Russian peasants

Then a host of minor themes in order of preference rather than importance:
  • WW2 SAS & LRDG. - Completed
  • More "Three Musketeers", especially once the new Redbox mounted figures are available. - not started
  • Colonials - Boer Artillery and French Foreign Legion in camp and 37mm. - Completed
  • TYW Imperial Croatians/Polish Pancerni/Cossack horse archers/Russian hussars. - not started
  • More British and Jacobite for the 45, WAS and SYW, when Redbox release more figures. - not started
  • Medievals - Scottish shiltron, Revolting Peasants (Zvezda), other odd units for Montgisard. - not started
  • SYW Austrian infantry (Roth - Wurtzberg) - not started
  • Revolution Cisialpine Infantry - three or four 12 figure units. - not started
  • The terrain I have failed to make for the last two years. - started work on the vines

Then if time permits:
  • More WW2 German cold weather infantry - 2 platoons. - not started
  • Rework/Rebase Zulu War forces. - not started

I’m not making any plans for gaming, but once the show circuit starts I’ll try to get to as many as possible. Plus Crisis Point in April and a possible 2021 Big Game. Crisis in Antwerp would be a big attraction if it goes ahead - still waiting to see what will happen - hoping to get to Barrage in July

Finally, an army review reveals that I have passed the 32,000 20mm figures mark. partly becuse I haven't sold any of my replaced units since lockdown started.

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