
Yet more plastic kits assembled

All assembled during the week I stayed with my daughter in County Durham.
From left to right
  • Steyr heavy cars - I recon I have enough spare bits to make some Morris versions
  • Gaz AA and AAA trucks - I'm going to add some specialised bodies to these
  • sdkfz 250 variants
Stop press - I have discovered that my 1/76 Morris parts do not align at all well with the PSC parts.  I need a "Plan B".


  1. You went and stayed with your daughter, and spent the week assembling plastic vehicles? My, my, you are hardcore.

    Then again I spent part of one summer holiday scratch building M113s in the evening when the children were small.

  2. Do the 1/72 Steyr sides fit on without clamping or cutting , Will?

    The angles on the 15mm kit are actually wrong.


    Ignore the first bit, the WIP is at the bottom.

    Regards, Chris

  3. Trebian, I spent quite a bit of time walking on the moors, working on the garden, so they were done it a little bit of me time.

    Chris, the 1/72 parts went together with no problems

  4. I really like the look of those Steyr trucks, haven't found them in stock from my local source yet though.
    Too bad those Gaz trucks have solid windows.
