I've been think of getting a 3D resin printer and a friend Simon R had just bought one and is producing some lovely 20mm models. After I expressed an insterst Simon sent me some "miscasts". For miscasts, these are more than adequate for my needs.
At the back is a Marder I still on it's supports
Above and below, a Marder III compared to the PSC 38(t) hull
An AutoUnion/Horsch heavy car compared to the PSC version
I'm certainly now sold on the idea, I will see if any other friends want to join in, that will certainly restrain my meglomania if I go it alone.
I'm fascinated by them! Looking forward to future posts on it....
ReplyDeleteThe resin prints look top-notch, Will.
ReplyDeleteRegards, Chris.
I bought myself a printer, working with filament. It worked good to increase my armies.
ReplyDeleteTake a look at Jarlangs designs at Thinigverse
This is all for free and increase my Blitzkrieg armies very much:-) Now I think over to buy a resin printer as your mate has. The quality is much better.
The only problem is where to store such big reinforcements:-)
These look great - might have to look at a resin printer one day too....