
Restocking the stash

With the latest releases from Strelets available I thought it was time to restock the stash with these
Here is a list and my current plan
  • Mars 72123 German paras tropical (RR&M) x 0.5 - heavy weapons for my German FJ
  • Pegasus Mission Indians - Oxen for my Spanish limbers and the monks
  • Strelets 176 Japanese Type 38 75mm Field Gun - start of my Japanese force for Battlegroup
  • Strelets 238 British Cavalry x 2 - enough to finish Palme's brigade and adda couple of French cavalry units
  • Strelets 239 French Royal Horse Grenadiers - missed these from the last order
  • Strelets 243 British Artillery - The next piece of the jigsaw for the WSS, though I'll probably use some Zvezda GNW bits as well
  • Strelets 244 French Artillery - as above
  • Strelets 254 French Dragoons in skirmish - will wait till Strelets release their mounted counterparts
  • Strelets 275 - Nap. Austrian Uhlans - a gap in my Nap collection + the nice civilians
  • Strelets 276 - Nap. Russian Hussars in reserve
  • Strelets 277 - Nap. French Guard Chasseurs
  • Strelets 292 - WWI French Field Kitchen - every army should have one
  • Strelets M081 - WWII Afrika Korps desert patrol x 0.5 - I just like the figures
  • Strelets M114 WWII Japanese Troops in Tropical Uniform - start of my Japanese force for Battlegroup
  • Strelets M115 Japanese Army in defense - start of my Japanese force for Battlegroup
  • Strelets M121 Imperial Japanese Army Heavy Weapons Team - start of my Japanese force for Battlegroup
  • Strelets M151 - WWII Moroccan Goumiers - A cool unit for WW2

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