
Pictures from Crisis Point

Nearly two and a half years on from the previous point game, the latest event was organised. This time the action is set in the C18 on some Indian Oscean islands called the Woebetides. They are desputed between the British, French, Arabs, and indigenous tribes. I took quite a few pictures of the terrain before we started, as once we did start there was little chance to review the action elsewhere on the table.

Overview of Grand Woebetide
The Wali of Smut's palace
A fishing village
Pandigore with its Hindu temple
The French base - Port Charles
SE of the island - with Djouadd to the left
Djouadd - a Arab trading post
Al Huq with the two river bridges
Fort James the British base
the British HQ (Gary should recognise this)
The main Woebetiders village
The Wali of Smut's tiger enclosure (warning contains a Tiger) with Port Charles bejond
View from the cental highlands towards Djouadd
View from the highlands to Fort James
and to the Wali's palace
The main entrance to the palace
More Arabs over on another island
Some nice mangroves
My Spanish contingent landing on the coast north of Fort James to pickup a messenger
From here on I was too involved in the game to take any pictures, but I'll attach links to any blogs etc. that have more details.

"Conrad's" blog (mixed with some other stuff) link1 and link2


  1. Wow! What a huge table...game must have been a lot of fun!

  2. Fantastic looking table

  3. That's a great looking table, not to mention a big one. Was this a game playable in a day, or over several?

  4. It was a two day game, but regrettably not as well organised as usual, so the playing time was restricted and could have been completed in a single day.

  5. Looks great! That almost a convention scale game, nice work!
