
Plan for 2022

First and foremost my plan is to meet with as many friends as possible, assuming that retrictions come to an end, other than that I'll be working on three themes.

Game specific projects
  • Pegasus bridge and Horsa glider for a D-Day game
  • Continuing to build my War of Spanish Succession forces, as quickly as Strelets release them
  • Rebase/upgrade the whole of my Anglo-Zulu War armies including the Boers
  • Attempt to rationalise my terrain
Reducing the existing stash, I'd like to make at least a 10% reduction
  • Paint the already printed WW2 French vehicles
  • Extra Afrika Corps and Italian figures to convert my Rapid Fire troops to use Batttlegroup.
  • French Goumier Platoon
  • An Australian Platoon plus supports for the desert/Crete, etc.
  • WW2 German Gebirgsjaeger and remaining Two platoons of winter infantry
  • Cavalry for the Seven Years War/Jacobite Rebellion
  • Napoleonic Spanish artillery and more cavalry
  • 1800 French in Egypt - double up the unit size from 12 to 24
  • French Revolution - Cisapline legion troops
  • More Crusader baggage and Saracen cavalry
  • Imperial Croat cavalry and Polish pancerni
  • WW1 odd bits and pieces
Exploiting the 3D resin printer
  • Completing my Japanese forces for Pacific/Burma, by printing a selection of suitable vehicles to hopefully cover various 1941-1945 campaigns.
  • Gradually replacing poorly cast or moulded models with new resin prints
  • LVTs and any other extra vehicles so I can carry out Pacific beach landing games
  • Test printing of 20mm figures
  • Components for buildings, doors, windows, shutters etc.
  • Try some 1/100 moderns for NorthAG
  • More vehicles for "Setting the East Ablaze"


  1. A very comprehensive and detailed plan Will Good luck with it!
    best regards

  2. I haven't commented in a long time, but I should tell you that I check out your blog at least 3 or 4 times a week and I always enjoy your posts. Thanks for continuing to publish.
