
Review of 2021 - part1 - progress against plan

All plans need to be flexible, but I hit the big one this year with the impulse purchase of a 3D printer. It adsorbed an enormous amount of time learing how to use it and the software and I'm sure this will continue into 2022 and of course the ability to print long sought after items also added to the stash.

The year has been mixed, with gaming only getting started mid year and unfortunately finding the replacement to the Airbus club less than adequate, the club coalesced around two new locations at Mold and Elton. Shows were very limited and I regretted not making the effort to get to Partizan, but I did get an outing to Recon and a chance to catch up with a number of old friends. Hopefully I'll see more at Vapa this year.

Looking at my original plan for 2021:-

I’ve decided to concentrate on five main painting/modelling themes this year, quite a bit is based on new and forthcoming releases:
  • Complete rework of my Vietnam War collection by integrating the new figures from Orion - Completed the newly released figures from Orion, but I've still not decided about whether or not to repaint my older NVA to match. I'll wait a while to see what Orion produce next before deciding
  • War of Spanish Succession - French infantry and cavalry plus British cavalry, plus more as Strelets release them - All Completed, and the brand new releases from Strelets have already been purchased and added to the 2022 plan
  • WW2 Japanese for Battlegroup Pacific - Completed everything I have, but I need to print some armour, etc. to support my infantry.
  • Rebase my Early Imperial Romans - these are the last ancients that I haven't upgraded - Completed, but I've been now donated some extra Roapaks, thanks Alan
  • Napoleonics, Prussian cavalry, reworking old artillery limbers, Russian peasants for skirmish scenarios, more Spanish cavalry, potentially upgrade British infantry? - completed the Prussian cavalry and Russian peasants in Q1 nothing done since and the remainder will slip into 2022, however I have painted the Prussian Uhlans, Russian Hussars, and civilians from the August Strelets release.

Then a host of minor themes in order of preference rather than importance:
  • WW2 SAS & LRDG. - Completed
  • More "Three Musketeers", especially once the new Redbox mounted figures are available. - Completed
  • Colonials - Boer Artillery and French Foreign Legion in camp and 37mm. - Completed
  • TYW Imperial Croatians/Polish Pancerni/Cossack horse archers/Russian hussars. - not started
  • More British and Jacobite for the 45, WAS and SYW, when Redbox release more figures. - Now arrived and hopefully they will be painted in Jamuary
  • Medievals - Scottish shiltron, Revolting Peasants (Zvezda), other odd units for Montgisard. - not started - another for 2022
  • SYW Austrian infantry (Roth - Wurtzberg) - Completed both Red and Blue Regiments
  • Revolution Cisialpine Infantry - three or four 12 figure units. - not started - another for 2022
  • The terrain I have failed to make for the last two years. - Vines and Russian fences completed, still need wadi sides, etc.

Then if time permits:
  • More WW2 German cold weather infantry - 2 platoons. - not started - 2022
  • Rework/Rebase Zulu War forces. - not started - 2022

I’m not making any plans for gaming, but once the show circuit starts I’ll try to get to as many as possible. Plus Crisis Point in April and a possible 2021 Big Game. Crisis in Antwerp would be a big attraction if it goes ahead - Shows have started but I only managed to get to two warboot sales in Penkridge and Recon plus Crisis Point in September. The Airbus club has folded so my club gaming is now concentrated on the Beacon Gaming Club in Elton.

1 comment:

  1. That is a lot of 'completed' task, so looks like 2021 was very productive for you. Hope 2022 brings more of the same and that your new club prospers.
