
Some bits for my late war Germans

A pair of Borgward Wanze for Fall of the Reich games and a brace of 88mm Pak43s.
I have deliberately added the camo nets to the Pak43s to hide the slight distortion in the gun shields. They were printed so thin that they warped almost as soon as they cured. Hot water and superglue got them nearly correct, but they are very fragile and the nets also protect them. Crew are repurposed PSC Pak38 crews with some 17pdr rounds (close enough to those for an 88mm).


  1. Look great Will. The cammo nets are really effective. What did you use to make the "leaf" effect on the nets ? Cheers

  2. John M, the "leaf" effect was just some coloured sawdust that I made for use on my trees. Basically raw sawdust mixed up with cheap paint and left to dry in the sun. I made a variety of shades then just mixed different proportions for different trees. After gluing on the nets I washed them over with PVA to fix them in place and then used an army painted wash to blend them in
