
Hammerhead 2024

A snowy trip across the Pennines on Friday morning followed by gaming in the pub set the scene for our Beacon Club trip to Hammerhead. This meant we arrived fresh and rested at the show. A large breakfast also meant there was no need to stop for lunch. As the show is orientated around participation games there is less eye candy, but the following is what caught my eye.

Paperboys trees, quite effective for something so simple to store.
Cowboys v's Dinosaurs using "What a Cowboy"
Wars of the Roses
Toonkreig - "Kelly's Heroes"
I've seen a lot of these on sale as STL files, but it's alway interesting to see them in the fleash to get the full comic effect.
Age of Sail - nice coastline
Another "What a Cowboy" game, this time set in 1756 French & Indian War
Conquisadores fighting through hordes of Aztecs
Nice terrain and ships
One of the armies for the BDA competition - gives me an idea of what I need to do to upgrade my 6mm DBA armies
Libya in WW2
Another "What a Cowboy" based game, this time set in Victorian Britain with Sherlock Holmes attempting to foil a plot to blow up a lighthouse. Andy and I joined in and all had a great deal of fun playing the game spiced by its random events. I am pleased to say the good guys won as I was playing Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson
By then it was time to depart, somehow I ended up with zero purchases.


  1. Great shots Will. The Sherlock Holmes game was a lot of fun, but I dont think I've ever rolled 1's so consistently.

  2. The DBA Northern Cup 6mm armies were great fun to play with.

    Regards, Chris.

  3. Glad you liked my Toonkrieg collection :)
