
Vapnartak 2025

Once again my show circuit kicked off with Vapnartak at York, but this time it became a two day outing as I travelled over with Andy and Si the day before and then spent the afternoon and evening board gaming. The show itself seemed heavily attended, but there were far less games on offer, which might explain why the Lance & Longbow game of Stamford Bridge 1454 was so busy.
The first game gets underway.
Just behind us was the Omaha beach game, whch was equally popular.
As well as the game being busy, the society stand also did well so it was after 2pm before I had chance to look around the rest of the show

Hornblower v's Barbary pirates
Yarkshire Gamers Italian Wars battle of Forli
An Eagle of the Ninth game
So an enjoyable couple of days away, Hammerhead is next at the beginning of March

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