
German armour for the big game

As part of the immediate counter attack forces (which are being provided by someone else) there were a couple of Marder Is. I had acquired a couple at Crewe so this was all the excuse I needed to prepare them, just in case. The Alby kit is a nice crisp casting with lots of fine detail, the only slight downsides were that one of the gun shields was broken and that I needed to provide the main armament, in this case Pak 40s. In the background are a couple of Milicast vehicles I completed at the same time as the camouflage would be the same. On the left a Sturmpanzer IV or Stupa (not a Brummbaer as this was only used by allied intelligence) and on the right a Hummel. The latter will replace a very old Vacucast Airfix conversion and an oversized Brittania version I acquired previously as a possible replacement.

The camouflage scheme is the same as I have used on almost all my late war German vehicles, but instead of my usual wash I tried one of the new washes from GW to see the effect. I used the Ogryn flesh and as a wash it is fine, but on armour it too clean, I'll either have to add a bit of black ink, or try something else.


  1. Anonymous9/6/10 22:07

    Very nice...I am no expert in these things (if they didn't stand and fire shoulder to shoulder I am only half listening!) but surely these French tank conversions must be proned to toppling over-they look so top heavy?


  2. Grerat stuff, Will. The first Tamiya kit I ever had as a kid was a Marder. I don't think I ever managed to put it together (I was only about 8 at the time), but it was fun having a go. Love the camouflage - I think it works really well.

    Best wishes

