OK, so I'm back from a well deserved holiday and manged to finish off some units that were started way back at the beginning of the month. These are the Strelets Rifs, that look more like Bedouins. Still a nice addition to my existing Arab forces for early C20.
The foot figures
The cavalry/camelry
Pictures not that good, partly due to the poor light with the rain and maybe the new camera!
Nicely finished figures! I see from your previous posting that you have some Strelits-R Bashi-bazouk figures. I acquired a batch of foot Bashi-bazouks recently as the beginning of my Army of Turkowaz - quite nice figures (I like 'chunky') - rather than using 'ring-ins' as I have been doing. I'm always interested in how others treat similar projects, so look forward to how you do yours.
ReplyDeleteIf these pics are any guide, they'll paint up really well!
I'm quite tempted by what is coming out now for 20th century North Africa. I bought a Matchbox Renault FT and a box of ESCI FFL back in the mid 80s, to go with some Airfix Arabs, but never worked out how to game it properly, nor could I find any really good information on the Rif revolt. Might be time to have another look.
ReplyDeleteTrebian, there's a lot out there now on the Rif Wars, especially in the SOTCW journal, all written by Richard Baber