
A Mameluke horde

A lot of painting plus rebasing to get a better army organised to face the French in Egypt. It's a mix of various Strelets Mameluke and Bashi-Bazouk sets to create a consistent force to oppose my French in Egypt or Syria.

Cavalry, the skirmishers are rebased Bashi-Bazouks plus a couple of Mamelukes based so they can be either open or close order

More cavalry, the back ranks are all Bashi-Bazouks that fit in well with the Mamelukes

The infantry, all Strelets Bashi-Bazouks on foot. Not quite a complete set as I've kept some to create a skirmish unit

As before, poor light and new camera have affected the picture quality.

Archduke Piccolo, I hope you like the Bashis


  1. Very colorful and banlanced composition! I hope to see them in the wargame table...

  2. Very nice armies, the bases are great! I recognized a Napoleonic Mameluk by Hät among them :)

  3. Philotep, well spotted, I added a spare just to make up the numbers

  4. Fantastic ! to be honest, after browsing on your website i think i will copy some (many ?) of your ideas ! I'm planning to depict the french army in Egypt, and those bachis seems to fit perfectly with the real mameluks !
