
On the workbench - January 2020

A bit of an odd month as I'm way for some of the time and I need to get things ready for the Tannenberg 1410 game for Vapnartak. Typically the extra figures I have ordered have not arrived yet. So I need to work on some other bits instead. I'm also working on a plan for the Persian Army to give the most flexibility for different rule systems.

  • Rebasing Rospaks Scythian Archers and Horse Archers to become Persian vassals.
  • Rebase Tartars for Tannenberg
  • Polish Commanders for Tannenberg, as the bulk of the army will be generic figures
  • More "medium" cavalry for Tannenberg
  • More Turcopoles for Tannenberg


  1. Really looking forward to seeing your Tannenberg game at York, its a battle that has some interesting tactical problems.

  2. Good luck Will with your projects for 2020

    Matt (Bluewillow)
