
Plan for 2020

There is one big project for 2020, which is to build an ancient Achaemenid Persian army and two minor ones, which are fleets for Cruel and Black Seas. For the remainder it is completing what was left from 2019. On shows, it will definitely be Vapnartak, York in Feb; WMMS, Wolverhampton in March; Phalanx, St Helens in June and Recon, Pudsey in December. At Vapa I'll be running a Tannenberg game for the Lance & Longbow Society.

In detail
  • An Achaemenid Persian army, I've about 200 items already purchased
  • Cruel Seas - British/German/US flotillas of 6 boats each, plus some merchant ships
  • Black Seas - a small Dutch fleet (something a bit different from the norm)
  • Medieval – More WOTR longbow/bill units, mounted archers, cavalry, Scottish cavalry and extra Crusader foot
  • Renaissance – Russian Stoldatski, etc. using up the Strelets bonus figures plus Galleys
  • WW2 – bits and pieces (I'll try to avoid buying more)
  • SYW – More (French?) Cavalry, British guns
  • WW1 – increase/rebase Germans for 1917 and add some French
  • 28mm – “skirmishing” WSS figures to provide more opposition for my pirates and Spanish
  • Terrain – more buildings, fences, balkas/wadis, vines, etc.
  • Organise the forces for the Lance and Longbow games at York, which will be Tannenberg 1410 and possibly Montgisard 1177 at Recon


  1. Look forward to seeing your progress on the Persians. I'll also be attending Vapnartak

  2. Ive been toying with the idea of returning to the Persians, especially as there are plastic figures on the horizon which look very good. See you at York.

  3. Comprehensive list there,

    Best of luck with your 2020 projects

    French Wargame Holidays
