Will's Wargames Blog
Napoleonic Prussian Kuirassiers 1813-14
Napoleonic Spanish Maniobrera Horse Artillery
Napoleonic Russian Artillery
On the workbench - January 2025
- Plastic 28mm Female Gunfighters - now assembled and base coated
- Two units of Napoleonic Prussian Cuirassiers - after some trouble they now have swords added, and the horses are painted
- A single crew of the Spanish Brigade Maniobrera Horse Artillery - now underway and two crews instead of one
- Some Lord of the Ring style figures - now base coated
- Robert Marion, The Swamp Fox - base coated
- An extra Napoleonic Russian gun crew - well underway
- The test Aztecs - base colours applied
- Lettow Vorbek and askari command stand - underway
- and then.. start work on Napoleonic Spanish round hat infantry
Plan for 2025
So this year I will be working on the following broad themes:
- Enhance existing armies
- 3D printing terrain (FDM)
- 3D printing vehicles and figures (resin)
- Continue to clear out all unwanted items, including painted figures
- Enjoy Games & Shows
1. Enhance existing armies - already planned are
- Continue rebasing the French Napoleonics
- then I will start on the Austrians
- 28mm Female Gunfighters
- 5 units of Napoleonic Spanish round hat infantry (1 of which will be skirmishers)
- 4 units of Napoleonic Italian line infantry
- 3 units of Napoleonic Young Guard skirmishers
- WSS Danish Cuirassiers
- Hanoverian limbers for the SYW
- Some Spanish medievals for the El Cid period
- plus the figures listed below to be 3D printed
2. 3D Printing Terrain (FDM)
- Test printing a Horsa using FDM
- Vietnamese hooches
- Western European buildings
- Spanish/Mediterrainean buildings
- New bridges (all eras)
3. 3D Printing Vehicles & Figures (Resin)
- Napoleonic Saxon and Westphalian Infantry
- Napoleonic Russian Artillery & Gunners
- Napoleonic Polish Lancers, French Guard Horse Grenadiers and Chasseurs a Cheval
- WW2 Russian paratroops
- Gradually replace existing diecast and other poor quality AFVs in my collection
- Working on more figures with the Resin printer using the more robust resin I have found
- Re-assess each existing period, army, and units to consider if I am really going to use them
- Maintain stash (figure and plastic bits box) at 3 crates and hopefully reduce the numbers
- Consider the future for my 1st version Springwood figures as I have the capability to replace them with more compatible figures to the 2nd edition
5. Gaming
- Continue supporting the Beacon Club and attending as many weekend events as possible
- Try to attend the same number of shows as last year
Review of 2024 - part 2 - painting breakdown
Period |
Notes |
Napoleonic |
2,370 |
Completed rebasing the British, Portuguese Spanish and Brunswick armies. The French and Allied rebasing is well underway about 70% complete and unlike the British I have also replaced some whole units with 3D printed ones. Finally I skipped ahead and replaced my Austrian Commanders and also my Russian limbers. |
WW2 |
339 |
Heavily dominated by painting loads of figures and vehicles I have 3D printed in particular the Horsa Gliders, and Renault/Opel buses. I also rebased/reworked my Russian winter infantry and my Japanese SNLF. |
Medieval |
238 |
Mainly taken up with painting Saracens plus a few Crusader figures for the Mongisard game. Plus rebasing a couple of units of English archers |
56 |
Rebasing Indians and some mountain men for use with Rebels and Patriots and ACW wagons |
37 |
Prussian light troops all 3D printed |
Revolutionary Wars |
24 |
French and British dragoons for Egypt 1800 |
Terrain |
9 |
Extra terrain needed for the Montgisard game - bedouin tents, stream fords and n oasis |
WW1 |
8 |
A couple of Model T Fords, replacement hulls for my Lanchester armoured cars and Russian Putilov field guns |
Renaissance |
2 |
A gun and crew for the ECW all 3D printed |
Grand Total |
3,084 |
Type |
Notes |
Rebase/Rework |
2,187 |
Mainly Napoleonic British, French and allies but also Medieval, ACW and WW2 |
Infantry |
494 |
Again mainly Napoleonic British, French and allies, various WW2 to make up units, Saracen Infantry and Prussian Light Troops. |
Cavalry |
138 |
Saracen cavalry and French and British dragoons for Egypt |
Gunners |
67 |
Napoleonic British, Portuguese, Spanish and French Old Guard foot artillery. WW2 Russian gunners and an ECW artillery crew |
Commanders |
20 |
All Napoleonic, British, Austrian, Brunswick, Bavarian and Wurttemberg |
Riders |
34 |
Napoleonic Russian limber riders, WW2 French vehicle drivers and WW2 Russian limber drivers. |
Limbers |
31 |
Replacement Napoleonic Russian limbers were 3D printed and paired up with existing limber teams. A few extra Napoleonic British limbers, Limbers for my Spanish again 3D printed and finally 3D printed WW2 Russian Limbers |
Horses |
20 |
Oxen for Napoleonic Spanish limbers and horses for WW2 Russian Panje wagons, all 3D printed |
Vehicles |
18 |
A variety of buses, US 6x6 beeps, schwimmwagens, French light cars and a couple of Model T Fords, all 3D printed, except a pair of Latils |
Tanks/AFVs |
17 |
All 3D resin printed; US M8 scotts, British Light Reconnaissance Cars and Crusader gun tractors German SWS with wurfrahmen and then Staghound, Daimler and Lanchester hulls to replace some which were being to explode. |
Artillery |
16 |
Gribeuval Guns for my Napoleonic Spanish to replace the British ones I had been using, WW1 Putilov field guns WW2 Russian 152mm guns and a tst print of a WW2 British 5.5in gun |
Buildings, etc. |
8 |
Bedouin tents and stream fords |
Other Items |
7 |
Loads for WW2 Russian Panje Wagons and combat cameramen |
Aircraft |
4 |
Horsa gliders
Engineers |
3 |
British Napoleonic Sappers
Equipment |
1 |
An extra WW2 Russian Mortar for winter |
Grand Total |
3,084 |
Finally a big thanks you to all those who commented on my blog through the year, your comments help to keep me motivated.
Review of 2024 - part 1 - progress against plan
Compared to my much looser plan than usual I have done the following:
- Rework/Rebase as many figures as possible - good progress for this year, but still plenty to do
- Enhance/Add some new forces to the collection - I ended, as I began, with no clear idea of what to start next, but tempted by several skirmish level games in 28mm.
- Maintain or ideally reduce the stash - had several purges on ebay, but missed out on a final purge for this year because of family issues, But the size of stash rose from 3,760 to 4,132 as I have printed a lot of Napoleonics for painting shortly
- Exploit the 3D Printer - Very happy with my final run of the year using solvent based 8K resin for figures, I'll certainly do more next year. The Creality FDM printer I bought for terrain wouldn't work and neither would its replacement and I subsequently received an Elegoo Neptune for Christmas which works so terrain will be in the plan for next year
- Enjoy Games & Shows - I think I completed an almost full schedule of visits to plenty of shows.
1. Rework/Rebase as many figures as possible.
- Start on the Napoleonics (this may take a couple of years to do) - I made a start on the British last year - I've completed the British, Portuguese, Brunswick and Spanish plus my figures for skirmish games. French are substantially completed
- WW2 Winter Russians - Completed
- Early War German Fallschirmjager - Completed
2. Enhance/Add some new forces to the collection in no particular order
- 15mm DBA Italian wars army (for the forthcoming inter-club tournament) - bought a Hungarian army but it didn't have all the necessary options, so I sucessfully used some borrowed "Florentines" for the games - This project is now shelved and the Hungarians sold off
- 28mm Female Gunfighters - not started yet
- Add a unit of WW2 Japanese SNLF - Completed
- Extra units for the Crusades - Completed
- French Dragoons for Egypt 1800 - Completed
- Modify the SYW Austrian Grenz to use for Prussian Frei Korps - I bought some specific figures and have just completed them along with some Jagers
- Some extra Aztecs for skirmish games - not started yet, but I have trialled a couple of 3D printed figures
- Various figures and terrain need for Montgisard 1177 - completed and sucessfully ran the game at both Vapnartak and Phalanx, but I now need to think of a new scenario to offer
- WW2 BEF infantry (I plan to 3D print the extra needed figures, etc.) - I decided that the print files available were not good enough so the project has been shelved.
3. Continue to clear out all unwanted items, including painted figures
- Re-assess each existing period, army, and units to consider if I am really going to use them - Sold off my Boxers and Wind & Lion colonials among several others
- Reduce the stash (figure and plastic bits box) from 4 crates to 3 - Although I successfully reduced to 3 crates but there is still more to do particularly as the number of items in the stash rose from 3,760 to 4,132 as I have printed a lot of Napoleonics for painting shortly
- review my 1/300 collection and decide its fate - Cleared out all my old WW1 and WW2
4. 3D Printing - the bulk of my immediate needs have been printed so I will work on
- gradually replace existing diecast and other poor quality AFVs in my collection - some progress - but more to do
- components for houses and other terrain - not started yet - I was hoping to use the FDM printer for this - so this will be in my plans for 2025
- work on how to make/modify files to meet my specific needs - Quite happy with my skills to modify files, I've enhanced my 1/80 Waco and I've created a similar bath-tubbed Horsa glider that has printed OK and now been painted, plus verious figure conversions
- Continue supporting the Beacon Club and attending as many weekend events as possible - Completed - only two weekends missed due to other commitments
- Attend at least as many shows as last year - The list of shows completed are Vapnartak, Hammerhead, the Easter big game, Phalanx, Attack, Other Partisan, Reveille and Recon.