
On the Workbench - March 2025

Very slow progress in February, due to a week spent clearing out my mother's appartment, then followed by a week with a bad cold and I wasn't capable of doing much.
So I'm working on:-
  • Some Lord of the Ring style figures - slowly getting painted
  • Robert Marion, The Swamp Fox - just need a bit more attention
  • The test Aztecs - base colours applied - still no progress
  • Lettow Vorbek and askari command stand - almost complete
  • two units of Italian line infantry - I have almost finished
  • two more units of Italian line infantry and one of skirmishers
  • Three units of Napoleonic Imperial Guard skirmishers to replace some old HaT plastics
  • Some 28mm Warlord Woodland Indians - I had hoped to start assembly while I was away but I have now assembled a few


Hammerhead 2025

An awayday and a bit as five of us stayed over on Friday night in Newark before the show. We turned up at Friday lunchtime and spent most of the afternoon and evening boardgaming. Saturday was bright and sunny and we headed off to the show getting in quite early, and headed off to the table sale. We then acquired three mats for the Beacon club so I took them back to my car before settling down to a tour of the traders and then the games.

None of the participation games tempted me this year but I did like the terrain on a few of the tables, starting with this 10mm Kelly's Heroes game - spot the tigers!
I was then struck by this small village set in one corner of a Midguard game
I did like the simplicity of the river edges used in the Boondock Sayntes fantasy game
Then I spotted the longhouse
And another building. Thanks to Graham from the Sayntes they are the modified version of the Games Workshop Rohan house or Stronghold set.
Another Midguard games set in the Trojan War
Finally the excellent terrain for this Zombie games the same as I saw back at Recon in 2022 (link)
I only succumbed to two purchases during the show and picked up a box of Roman Citizens for Gangs of Rome, which should go with my gladiators to give me another skirmish game option, and a sample box of HaT Napoleonic British Peninsula Cavalry.

Overall a great weekend and spent lots of time chatting to old friends


Italian CV 33/35 Lancia Flamm

A pair of Italian CV 33/35 Lancia Flamm that I 3D printed to replace my current odd pair of the same vehicle. Although sized for 15mm they look OK at 1/76 although the rivets are rather prominent.
That finishes off my output for February as I am off to Newark shortly and will be at Hammerhead tomorrow.


Female Gunfighters

These are the Dead Man's Hand figures that I acquired to give some variety to my existing gunfighters
Quite a nice bunch of figures and it tempts me to get some more, maybe Mexicans or Indians
Maybe I should call them the ladies of Hickup County after a comment from friends that I was "Wild Bill Hickup"?


Napoleonic Spanish round hat brigade completed

I completed the basing of the last two units on Monday and here is the whole brigade assembled
The Fijo de Cueta Regiment
and the Cantabria Regiment.
I now need to find or create a suitable commander for the brigade.


Vapnartak 2025

Once again my show circuit kicked off with Vapnartak at York, but this time it became a two day outing as I travelled over with Andy and Si the day before and then spent the afternoon and evening board gaming. The show itself seemed heavily attended, but there were far less games on offer, which might explain why the Lance & Longbow game of Stamford Bridge 1454 was so busy.
The first game gets underway.
Just behind us was the Omaha beach game, whch was equally popular.
As well as the game being busy, the society stand also did well so it was after 2pm before I had chance to look around the rest of the show

Hornblower v's Barbary pirates
Yarkshire Gamers Italian Wars battle of Forli
An Eagle of the Ninth game
So an enjoyable couple of days away, Hammerhead is next at the beginning of March


On the workbench - February 2025

Slower than expected progress in January, but a certain amount out of the way
So I'm working on:-
  • Plastic 28mm Female Gunfighters -just needing a final wash and then basing
  • Some Lord of the Ring style figures - slowly getting painted
  • Robert Marion, The Swamp Fox - just need a bit more attention
  • The test Aztecs - base colours applied - no progress
  • Lettow Vorbek and askari command stand - almost complete
  • Napoleonic Spanish round hat infantry - three units completed and two awaiting basing
New additions
  • Three units of Napoleonic Imperial Guard skirmishers to replace some old HaT plastics
  • Four units of Italian line infantry and one of skirmishers
I've cleared out an amount of stuff on ebay, but there is still more which can be found here (link). I will also be at Vapnartak on unday on the Lance & Longbow stand if you want to rummage through my box of bits.


Some more Napoleonic cavalry rebased

While working on the Spanish I had also sold my old Prussian Napoleonic cavalry on ebay. I discovered that I had one more old style basing cavalry unit and I also remembered a couple of French units that need rebasing as well.
The Prussian unit had been part of the larger 6th (2nd Silesian) Hussars and one half had already been rebased, but rather than having another indentical unit I decided to change it to the Elbe National Cavalry Regiment by giving them light blue facings. They became the 10th Hussars in 1815.
The French were my two regiments of Eclaireurs for more details see (link)


Napoleonic Spanish round hat infantry

A few days ago, I completed three units of my 3D printed Spanish round hat infantry. Unlike the resin I used before I had zero brakages while painting as the resin is not as brittle. There are two units of brown coated close formation infantry and one of skirmishers in light blue.
I haven't add flags yet to the close order units as I haven't decided who they will be, but the skirmishers are part of the Catalonian Legion


Napoleonic Prussian Kuirassiers 1813-14

For years I have managed with using converted Airfix French Cuirassiers as Prussian Kuirassiers, but I've always hoped that someone would produce them. I suspect the reason why is that they were not involved in the Waterloo campaign. I had thought of converting a combination of HaT Russian Cuirassiers and Dragoons to provide them but it always semed to fiddly. Then at a show I had a look at the Mars Russian Dragoons and decided they were a good enough match.
As it turned out attaching the "swords" was quite tricky as Mars plastic tends to have a lower melting point than that which most other plastic manufacturers use and getting a heated pin to the right temperature was a matter of luck.
The East Prussian Kuirassiers are to the left and the Silesian to the right.


Napoleonic Spanish Maniobrera Horse Artillery

I'm not sure how much real horse artillery Spanish army possessed in the Napoleonic era but when I came across the image below of the Brigada Maniobrera Horse Artillery I felt the need to incorporate them into my forces.
The figures are modified Airfix RHA


Napoleonic Russian Artillery

Spot the difference, the gun crew on the right is an old one and on the right the one new additional crew needed to replace my old long serving Hinton Hunts.
The guns themselves are a couple of Zvezda pieces, I have purchased the STL files of some Russian guns, which I'll be printing when the warmer weather returns along with some replacement Horse Artillery gunners


On the workbench - January 2025

yes another year starts and unlike a "usual" year end there are a lot of unfinished bits so here's a picture of some of the remnants
So I'm working on:-
  • Plastic 28mm Female Gunfighters - now assembled and base coated
  • Two units of Napoleonic Prussian Cuirassiers - after some trouble they now have swords added, and the horses are painted
  • A single crew of the Spanish Brigade Maniobrera Horse Artillery - now underway and two crews instead of one
  • Some Lord of the Ring style figures - now base coated
  • Robert Marion, The Swamp Fox - base coated
  • An extra Napoleonic Russian gun crew - well underway
  • The test Aztecs - base colours applied
  • Lettow Vorbek and askari command stand - underway
  • and then.. start work on Napoleonic Spanish round hat infantry
In the meantime attempt to sort stuff out to go on ebay, which can be found here (link)


Plan for 2025

I still do not have a particular objective for this year, but I am clear on what I will work on until I get some inspiration

So this year I will be working on the following broad themes:
  1. Enhance existing armies
  2. 3D printing terrain (FDM)
  3. 3D printing vehicles and figures (resin)
  4. Continue to clear out all unwanted items, including painted figures
  5. Enjoy Games & Shows
Amplifying the above:

1. Enhance existing armies - already planned are
  • Continue rebasing the French Napoleonics
  • then I will start on the Austrians
  • 28mm Female Gunfighters
  • 5 units of Napoleonic Spanish round hat infantry (1 of which will be skirmishers)
  • 4 units of Napoleonic Italian line infantry
  • 3 units of Napoleonic Young Guard skirmishers
  • WSS Danish Cuirassiers
  • Hanoverian limbers for the SYW
  • Some Spanish medievals for the El Cid period
  • plus the figures listed below to be 3D printed

2. 3D Printing Terrain (FDM)
  • Test printing a Horsa using FDM
  • Vietnamese hooches
  • Western European buildings
  • Spanish/Mediterrainean buildings
  • New bridges (all eras)

3. 3D Printing Vehicles & Figures (Resin)
  • Napoleonic Saxon and Westphalian Infantry
  • Napoleonic Russian Artillery & Gunners
  • Napoleonic Polish Lancers, French Guard Horse Grenadiers and Chasseurs a Cheval
  • WW2 Russian paratroops
  • Gradually replace existing diecast and other poor quality AFVs in my collection
  • Working on more figures with the Resin printer using the more robust resin I have found

4. Continue to clear out all unwanted items, including painted figures
  • Re-assess each existing period, army, and units to consider if I am really going to use them
  • Maintain stash (figure and plastic bits box) at 3 crates and hopefully reduce the numbers
  • Consider the future for my 1st version Springwood figures as I have the capability to replace them with more compatible figures to the 2nd edition

5. Gaming
  • Continue supporting the Beacon Club and attending as many weekend events as possible
  • Try to attend the same number of shows as last year


Review of 2024 - part 2 - painting breakdown

Painting output was 3,084 items, which was a record output for one year, but like last year, it does contain a substantial amount of rework/rebasing, over 50%. The quantity of 3D printed material was 419 items. Now breaking it all down.






Completed rebasing the British, Portuguese Spanish and Brunswick armies. The French and Allied rebasing is well underway about 70% complete and unlike the British I have also replaced some whole units with 3D printed ones. Finally I skipped ahead and replaced my Austrian Commanders and also my Russian limbers.



Heavily dominated by painting loads of figures and vehicles I have 3D printed in particular the Horsa Gliders, and Renault/Opel buses. I also rebased/reworked my Russian winter infantry and my Japanese SNLF.



Mainly taken up with painting Saracens plus a few Crusader figures for the Mongisard game. Plus rebasing a couple of units of English archers



Rebasing Indians and some mountain men for use with Rebels and Patriots and ACW wagons



Prussian light troops all 3D printed

Revolutionary Wars        


French and British dragoons for Egypt 1800



Extra terrain needed for the Montgisard game - bedouin tents, stream fords and n oasis



A couple of Model T Fords, replacement hulls for my Lanchester armoured cars and Russian Putilov field guns



A gun and crew for the ECW all 3D printed

Grand Total







Mainly Napoleonic British, French and allies but also Medieval, ACW and WW2



Again mainly Napoleonic British, French and allies, various WW2 to make up units, Saracen Infantry and Prussian Light Troops.



Saracen cavalry and French and British dragoons for Egypt



Napoleonic British, Portuguese, Spanish and French Old Guard foot artillery. WW2 Russian gunners and an ECW artillery crew



All Napoleonic, British, Austrian, Brunswick, Bavarian and Wurttemberg



Napoleonic Russian limber riders, WW2 French vehicle drivers and WW2 Russian limber drivers.



Replacement Napoleonic Russian limbers were 3D printed and paired up with existing limber teams. A few extra Napoleonic British limbers, Limbers for my Spanish again 3D printed and finally 3D printed WW2 Russian Limbers



Oxen for Napoleonic Spanish limbers and horses for WW2 Russian Panje wagons, all 3D printed



A variety of buses, US 6x6 beeps, schwimmwagens, French light cars and a couple of Model T Fords, all 3D printed, except a pair of Latils



All 3D resin printed; US M8 scotts, British Light Reconnaissance Cars and Crusader gun tractors German SWS with wurfrahmen and then Staghound, Daimler and Lanchester hulls to replace some which were being to explode.



Gribeuval Guns for my Napoleonic Spanish to replace the British ones I had been using, WW1 Putilov field guns WW2 Russian 152mm guns and a tst print of a WW2 British 5.5in gun

Buildings, etc.


Bedouin tents and stream fords

Other Items


Loads for WW2 Russian Panje Wagons and combat cameramen



Horsa gliders        



British Napoleonic Sappers



An extra WW2 Russian Mortar for winter

Grand Total


Finally a big thanks you to all those who commented on my blog through the year, your comments help to keep me motivated.


Review of 2024 - part 1 - progress against plan

So I have ended the year with 3,084 items completed, however about two thirds of those were reworking/rebasing so maybe not that great an output.

Compared to my much looser plan than usual I have done the following:
  1. Rework/Rebase as many figures as possible - good progress for this year, but still plenty to do
  2. Enhance/Add some new forces to the collection - I ended, as I began, with no clear idea of what to start next, but tempted by several skirmish level games in 28mm.
  3. Maintain or ideally reduce the stash - had several purges on ebay, but missed out on a final purge for this year because of family issues, But the size of stash rose from 3,760 to 4,132 as I have printed a lot of Napoleonics for painting shortly
  4. Exploit the 3D Printer - Very happy with my final run of the year using solvent based 8K resin for figures, I'll certainly do more next year. The Creality FDM printer I bought for terrain wouldn't work and neither would its replacement and I subsequently received an Elegoo Neptune for Christmas which works so terrain will be in the plan for next year
  5. Enjoy Games & Shows - I think I completed an almost full schedule of visits to plenty of shows.
Amplifying the above:

1. Rework/Rebase as many figures as possible.
  • Start on the Napoleonics (this may take a couple of years to do) - I made a start on the British last year - I've completed the British, Portuguese, Brunswick and Spanish plus my figures for skirmish games. French are substantially completed
  • WW2 Winter Russians - Completed
  • Early War German Fallschirmjager - Completed

2. Enhance/Add some new forces to the collection in no particular order
  • 15mm DBA Italian wars army (for the forthcoming inter-club tournament) - bought a Hungarian army but it didn't have all the necessary options, so I sucessfully used some borrowed "Florentines" for the games - This project is now shelved and the Hungarians sold off
  • 28mm Female Gunfighters - not started yet
  • Add a unit of WW2 Japanese SNLF - Completed
  • Extra units for the Crusades - Completed
  • French Dragoons for Egypt 1800 - Completed
  • Modify the SYW Austrian Grenz to use for Prussian Frei Korps - I bought some specific figures and have just completed them along with some Jagers
  • Some extra Aztecs for skirmish games - not started yet, but I have trialled a couple of 3D printed figures
  • Various figures and terrain need for Montgisard 1177 - completed and sucessfully ran the game at both Vapnartak and Phalanx, but I now need to think of a new scenario to offer
  • WW2 BEF infantry (I plan to 3D print the extra needed figures, etc.) - I decided that the print files available were not good enough so the project has been shelved.

3. Continue to clear out all unwanted items, including painted figures
  • Re-assess each existing period, army, and units to consider if I am really going to use them - Sold off my Boxers and Wind & Lion colonials among several others
  • Reduce the stash (figure and plastic bits box) from 4 crates to 3 - Although I successfully reduced to 3 crates but there is still more to do particularly as the number of items in the stash rose from 3,760 to 4,132 as I have printed a lot of Napoleonics for painting shortly
  • review my 1/300 collection and decide its fate - Cleared out all my old WW1 and WW2

4. 3D Printing - the bulk of my immediate needs have been printed so I will work on
  • gradually replace existing diecast and other poor quality AFVs in my collection - some progress - but more to do
  • components for houses and other terrain - not started yet - I was hoping to use the FDM printer for this - so this will be in my plans for 2025
  • work on how to make/modify files to meet my specific needs - Quite happy with my skills to modify files, I've enhanced my 1/80 Waco and I've created a similar bath-tubbed Horsa glider that has printed OK and now been painted, plus verious figure conversions
5. Gaming
  • Continue supporting the Beacon Club and attending as many weekend events as possible - Completed - only two weekends missed due to other commitments
  • Attend at least as many shows as last year - The list of shows completed are Vapnartak, Hammerhead, the Easter big game, Phalanx, Attack, Other Partisan, Reveille and Recon.


Last of the Old Year - Napoleonic Bavarian and Wurttemberg commanders

Just to finish off the Bavarian and Wurttemberg rebasing for 2024 here are two Bavarian and one Wurttemberg commander.
There should have been two Wurttemberg commanders, but the second is now waiting for me to print a mounted figure to accompany him like his Bavarian counterpart.

Extra transport for my WW2 French

For my 1940 French I found I needed four extra staff/reconnaissance vehicles. I sourced these by acquiring some Latil cars from Early War Miniatures and then a friend provided me with the STL files for the Laffly V15R.
The Latil field car from EWM with a 3D printed driver added
The Laffly V15R with crew that I digitally added before 3D printing.