The pirates game by TSOA (I think)
Below the map board used for the Somme 1916 game. As the British I made a credible advance all along the line taking the first line of the German trenches. In the second the British broke through on their left partly due to my bad dice rolling as Germans but cut down in droves on their right and fell back to their trenches. It had a good fell for the period and the feeling that "just another push and we'll break through" needed to help you ignore the slaughter. (more details on Jim Wallmans website)
I also played Sargeant Pavlovs dogs (by Wargames Developments) several times and failed which ever side I played, not help when I played Russian when a KV1 accidently left the table to avoid the dogs and the crew were executed by the NKVD.
At the end of the day about 40 of us finished up in the local Chinese and afterwards the British contingent then retired to the Locus Publicus for a last drink or two...
On Sunday it was back to the old venue for tthe Megagame Operation Sorcher" the German invasion of Crete 1941. I didn't have enough time to play as I had to get back to the airport so I watched the openning move and then headed off to the Legermuseum (Army Museum) in the old Dutch East India Company building for a quick tour before getting the train.
Here's a link with better photos
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