The figures are dominantly Zvezda plus Revell and a scattering of Strelets. The banners are all from Dansk Figurspilsforenings Hjemmeside look under download for a great set of flags.
Now I'm just starting on the last of the medievals, the Strelets medieval levy pikemen.
A lovely set of figures. It does underline the fact that the best figures on offer at the moment irrespective of scale or price are plastics.
Nce to see Strelets in there, they constantly get faint praise from the plastic review site, but in fact many of the poses are outstandng and they blend in perfectly with metal ranges. I like them a lot.
John, I really like the Strelets medievals, as they have a lot of character. I find the best approach is to use a black undercoat and light highlight (I normally use silver for the armour) to show the details before painting
Yes, these are "characterful" figures in a good way - a very impressive collection, Will. Your blog is the standard bearer for the quality of many plastic figures around these days.
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