Seems to have taken ages, but here are the bulk of the Swiss, 96 pikemen. It took a while working out how to assemble them and what proportion of pike to halberd I should use. I ended up with a 2:1 ratio, so the next stage is modelling the halberds on the next 48 and then painting them. They are organised as three large pike blocks that can also be split in two, each half relating to a canton,(more or less). All the figures are MiniArt Swiss Pikemen.
Bern and Unterwalden

Zurich and Uri

Schwyz and Basle

All the pikes are welded on replacements from florist's wire Figures are based for WRG 6th, but the front rank pikes have extra depth.
The next stage is to create halberdiers from the same figures
For those interested the flags are mostly modified from
FOTW versions or from
Alex's flags There are also flags available at
Dansk Figurspilsforenings.
Very Nice!!
Looking good. They are minart or??
Wow! Like them a lot - where did you get the flags?
Just saw them at bennos...they are Miniart.
Matt, flag links added
Great looking figures. Those flags really set off the miniatures.
great work, I love the base work too
Peace james
Thanks for the link!
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