
Another trio of castles

On my way to Dorset I popped into three castles on the way to exploit my English Heritage membership

First was Old Wardour castle, which has a compact hexagonal design

As is almost always the case it's been knocked about during the civil war

But unusually it was done by the Royalists, by accident!

Then onto Sherborne Old Castle, which had an octagonal design. An impressive entrance gate

But very little left of the keep/bishops residence.

It had an unusual water gate as virtually the whole castle was surrounded by a lake.

But only the stairs remain.

Then onto Maiden Castle for a bracing walk, but I left my camera in the car!


Sam Wise said...

Nice pictures !
I'm always fascinated by the Castles in ruins, there's something strange and mysterious in them...

Steve-the-Wargamer said...

I wonder what his mum said to him when she saw the castle for the first time...!