I might have gone a bit over the top on basing when they are in the open as they seem to be transporting their own shrubbery, but given they will normally be deployed in broken ground it'll probably work out OK.
For Uwe, the groundwork is my basic mix of sand/crushed kitty-litter painted coffee and dry-brushed a pale yellow with a bit of autumn grass static grass for contrast. For these I added chopped up door mat for the long grass and broken cork for larger rocks.
They look great!
Enjoying your Colonials Will, lots of character on those bases too.
Nice work Will - I like the shrubbery!
cheers WW
Great groundwork. How have you done it?
Uwe, details added.
great painting Will, it's just that the caps look rather regimented as opposed to irregular troops, but hey no worries! would sure like to see them in action
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