Nice figures, but the clutter on the table?
SYW, better, but keep the playsheets off the table when not in use
Impressive, and I think the rule book positioning was deliberate
Early WW1 - French v's German
My delight, French & Indian War
At laast some 20mm! - battlegroup Overlord
Cross & Crescent (Saga) - nice, well presented and friendly banter
SOAs battle in a box Nothampton 1460 fought using Chris Engels Matrix game system
The Lance & Longbow game in progress
My booty, not as much as I would have liked
Great day out and a chance to chat to a lot of friends.
Thanks WILL for Posting the various Table set-ups and Battles - a lot of good ideas. I think I live in the wrong Country- You seem to have a plethora of Venues to Visit and participate in.
Someone needs to learn to spell "phoenix".
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