I also managed to find (after much searching) the couple of ancient sheets that were used for the last winter game,. Rather than use them as is, I found a couple of old cans of car spray (grey primer and a blue from a really old car my wife had) and added a bit of variation to them (and hide some of the discolouration)
I had ordered both deciduous trees and conifers, but I've finished the former first. They are cheap amatures from China just trimed and based up on thick card, then given a texturing mix. I tried the white paint/PVA/bicarbonate of soda formulation in equal proportions for the snow and is seems to work OK, so I'll be using it again for the next batch.
Nice. I can see the frozen tableau already. Good for any period too.
Great to see some really nice winter trees!
Which seller did you get the tree armatures from as I would really like to get some.
Richard P
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