I should have replace the missing slings on a few of them, but I decided not to take the cane of them breaking.
But why rebase? - well I realised I was short of Celtic slingers and that this unit was oversize and the surplus could be used to boost them
I have also reworked a picture of the Celtic light cavalry so that the conversion are more visible for those who are interested in more of the historic conversions.
Great stuff! I have a few old conversions of a similar ilk myself.
Wonderful. We are so spoilt for figures these days.
I took a photo of that article in Battle! For Wargamers magazine a while back:
Nicely done!
Very clever stuff - I still have some old editions of Miniature Warfare magazine showing pictures of a whole Ancient Briton army converted from Robin Hood figures taking on Airfix Romans (the Airfix Britons were released a few years after the Romans I think).
Will - talking of old soldiers, if you take a look at my blog you will see some Prussian Cuirassiers I have just painted. Most of these were from your own collection originally painted by you as Russians I think! Hope you like what I've done with them!
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