Painted at almost the same time as the Russian Guard Artillery, these are simple paint conversions from the Zvezda French Artillery. I didn't have any French guns to hand so these are the Russian ones.
In retrospect I should have tried cutting off the pack straps and not used the packs as they look rediculous for gunners in action as well as being a pain to paint. Must try and remember this the next time I use these figures.
They look really good. Zvezda did some of the best artillery sets going...I´ve recently been able to get hold of thier swedish artillery set, due to it´sincreasing rearity I´m considering keeping it boxed and untouched*. why did they stop producing large boxes of 1/72nd stuff!!!?
They look really good. Zvezda did some of the best artillery sets going...I´ve recently been able to get hold of thier swedish artillery set, due to it´sincreasing rearity I´m considering keeping it boxed and untouched*. why did they stop producing large boxes of 1/72nd stuff!!!?
*I probably paint them...I can´t resist :-)
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