
A slight change of pace!

Off to have a pacemaker fitted, so there might be a slight gap in posting. Hopefully not as it's only a day case involving local anaesthetic, and I don't think painting figures counts as strenuous activity, which I have to stop for a week afterwards.

At least I'll have plenty to read as both Wargames Illustrated and Miniature Wargames have just arrived, excellent timing!


Now home again from hospital and ordered to take it easy for a few days, no driving for a week, still apart from discomfort everything went fine

Thanks to all you bloggers for your kind wishes.



The Good Soldier Svjek said...

Hope you are up and about soon - all the best , Tony

Springinsfeld said...

Yes, hope that all goes well and the ticker is working up to speed again soon. Mike

Andy Canham said...

Good luck! Hope it goes well.
Cheers, Andy

Conrad Kinch said...

Stout heart and chin up Will!

Sean said...

Best of luck and a speedy recovery.

Ubique Matt said...

All the best for a quick recovery.

Steve-the-Wargamer said...

Yikes... see you on the other side, and all the best for a quick recovery

Vintage Wargaming said...

if Broadchurch is anything to go by you'll be up and about in ten minutes...

Stryker said...

Good luck!

Tomo said...

Best of luck and prayers!

João Pedro Peixoto said...

Happy painting and a good recovery, all at the same time!

RichardM said...

Good luck WIll

Fabrizio Davi' said...

Best of all, and be back soon....

Pete. said...

Sound serious- hope it all goes well.



Spiderweb of History said...

Hope the healing is going well!!!

G. Thomas Fitzpatrick said...

Best wishes that you are safely at full speed in a very short time!

Uwe said...

My best wishes too and a fast recovery. Reading two magazines doesn't take that long... But I can send you some more as pdf-files:-)
