Figures are the Caesar Italian Infantry
For Konrad - the colours used are
Undercoat and uniform/helmet/topee - Humbrol Sand (63)
Webbing, etc - HUmbrol Sea Grey (27)
Waterbottle - Humbrol Brick Red (70)
Boots - Humbrol Dark Earth (29)
all heavily drybushed with lightened Humbrol Sand
Rifle - Coat Arms Wood and Humbrol Gunmetal (53)
Bersagliari fez - Humbrol Scarlet (60)
Flesh - Humbrol Flesh (61) + wash of GW Ogryn Flesh
In retrospect I should have use white as an undercoat as the figures are slightly darker than my others that started with a lighter plastic.
Nice work Will. I was wondering if you could give us some idea of the colours used? A brief painting guide perhaps?
Nice to see them. BTW the correct italian spelling is "Bersaglieri", which means "targeters" an italian word to denote the skirmishers.
Really nice work there, Will. A painting class would go down well.
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