

As I mentioned in my previous posts these were needed to complete the infantry component of my Italian forces for North Africa. In particular because the early infantry organisations 1940-31 had far less heavy weapons then my current force based on Monty's Desert Battles.

Figures are the Caesar Italian Infantry

For Konrad - the colours used are
Undercoat and uniform/helmet/topee - Humbrol Sand (63)
Webbing, etc - HUmbrol Sea Grey (27)
Waterbottle - Humbrol Brick Red (70)
Boots - Humbrol Dark Earth (29)
all heavily drybushed with lightened Humbrol Sand
Rifle - Coat Arms Wood and Humbrol Gunmetal (53)
Bersagliari fez - Humbrol Scarlet (60)
Flesh - Humbrol Flesh (61) + wash of GW Ogryn Flesh

In retrospect I should have use white as an undercoat as the figures are slightly darker than my others that started with a lighter plastic.


Conrad Kinch said...

Nice work Will. I was wondering if you could give us some idea of the colours used? A brief painting guide perhaps?

Fabrizio Davi' said...

Nice to see them. BTW the correct italian spelling is "Bersaglieri", which means "targeters" an italian word to denote the skirmishers.



Service Ration Distribution (Hobby) said...

Really nice work there, Will. A painting class would go down well.