Finishing setting up the table (Don did all the hard graft the night before)
The iconic Dead Man's corner
Carentan across the inundation (the roads were keeping the inundation flat until we found some blu-tac)
Carentan, the major objective, I had to old this, and look how close it it to the US base edge
US paras advance with M10 support on St Come-du-Mont
17th SS arrive just in time to stop the US outflanking Carentan, a blazing Stuart marks their furthest advance. By this point a series of lucky (and unlucky for Charles) die roll meant the US para assault on Carentan was driven off leaving the task to the US 2nd Armoured!
The awful moment loads of armoured infantry and tanks arrive, One building has been ruined, but I'm holding on the the fringes.
Slightly later as part of the 2nd Armoured flank Carentan , they get a fright from a FJ unit that had been lurking in the station, but they were unsuccessful with a panzerfaust attack and have suffered the consequences.
meanwhile across the inundation the US paras are also advancing slowly
St Come-du-Mont, still firmly in German hands
17th SS aufklarung racing to the rescue
Our 105mm battery, that switch support between myself and Rob as needed
17th SS to the rescue. Just after my greatest success with a single Panzershreck team taking out a Sherman and a Stuart after patiently skulking in the bushes a horde of SS Grenadiers arrive an commence a counter attack
More devastation being inflicted on the US armour (they then suffered a number of low morale throws leaving only one armoured infantry battalion on the table.
Still only slow progress by the US towards St Come-du-Mont
Shortly after the 17th SS Aufklarung stormed into Carentan and evicted the last GIs holding a building by the crude but effective close assault then opening up with all available weapons once it was repulsed. I was quite relieved as I was only a couple of casualties away from a morale check, which could have at any point left Carentan open to capture.
Overall a difficult game, the 5 foot width was very restricting and ideally there should have been an extra foot on the US side to allow better deployment, etc. I'm not sure that Rapid Fire really copes well with urban fighting (more thoughts to follow)
Thanks to everyone for a great days gaming
Great looking game Will. Looked like a fine day out.
Cheers, Andy
Fantastic game Will and great AAR - love to see great looking Normandy games!
Very inspiring....
This looks great!
Dear Will, my names Von, i have been wargaming for the last 30 years, mainly metal 25mm painted by me, but lost mostly everything to unseen uncontrolable events! 1000's of figures! I gave up, but seeing all those cool Plastic Soldier Review figs on there site in 1/72 made the itch unbearable! I've slowly to start collecting 1800's colonial, ala space 1889 theme sci fi period! One difference, ive chosen to collect the figs in certain color plastics as I'm no longer interested in painting them, just the penny bases! I have written rules for them wich seems to work very well, "Colonial Conquest 1889". My faves are Hat, Strelets, Esi, Waterloo, & other! I have not played however in the last 4 years or so do to my circumstances! You are s Grrst inspiration, please keep on with your blogs, Excellent!
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