Just finished assembling all the contents of the PSC Quad and 25pdr boxes, plus the RSO. Roofs on the quads have not yet been glued as I need to paint and insert the crew first. I've almost sorted out all the crews and found some suitable wheels for the additional guns.

Meanwhile my renaissance cavalry is underway as well with the Swiss artillery and Stradiots ready for basing.
What an impressive collection of artillery for WWII as well as super looking Renaissance stuff. Well done, sir, well done!
Cripes Will, you have your work cut out for you there mate.
Cripes Will, you have your work cut out for you there mate.
Are you sure you have enough artillery Will? I only count 12 25lbrs, plus 2 Pheasants. That should keep a few heads down. Look forward to seeing them finished.
Cheers, Andy
What a job. Good luck with all this.
Have you noticed that the Stradiot horses are smaller than usual and that the horse poses are being used in other sets from Red Box?
Have you noticed that the Stradiot horses are smaller than usual and that the horse poses are being used in other sets from Red Box?
Andy, only eight 25 pdrs plus four 18/25 pdrs for early war.
Doug, yes I've observed to smaller size, but they should be mounted on small horses or ponies. It's more that some are quite distorted as well, hopefully once finished it shouldn't be too noticeable.
They look splendid, Will. I'm still waiting for my 15mm delivery, although I am assured it has been posted.
Regards, Chris.
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