My original plan was for a single span but that seemed too wide, so I added a central support, hopefully it reflects the extemporised bridges used on the astern Front in WW2
I alo created a couple of additional ramps so I could bridge narrower rivers.
Just need the narrower rivers now!
Really good, Will! I don't think the Gniloy Tickitsch was bridged at the location were the Korsun Pocket escapees got away but that's a loverly model that I'd have been very pleased to see at the game.
Jeeze, is it really four years ago?
Richard, I think the idea was to add the bridge if the Germans were struggling to provide an incentive that they could still escape.
Nice idea Will, and you could also add a pontoon to it for further variation.
We are both into bridges. Hopefully no suicidal tendencies :) This one is great!
Great stuff Will, we must revisit that game one day and play it out over a weekend.
Cheers, Richard P
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