
The clear out has started

I spent some time deciding what to keep and what should go. The result is a big batch on ebay (link)

I had decided that I needed a major purge of my 1/300 collection, so all my WW1 and WW2 are going together with various other half started projects. I decided to keep my Ancients and Dark Ages forces for playing DBA when space is short and also my ECW. I also kept my 1/600 SYW armies.

In addition I started on a cull of half started projects, redundant figures and forces that I suspect I will never use again.


Tiberian general said...

Some nice stuff up for sale Will, having a clear out of unwanted but not unloved wargame items helps focus the mind on project.


Chris Kemp said...

We all seem to be getting to that stage in the hobby, Will. I was having a chat with our local friendly model shop proprietor (they do still exist), and we both agreed that whoever dies with the most toys wins!

Regards, Chris.