
Russian P39 Aircobra

My impulse purchase at Fiasco, jumped the painting queue and got assembled and painted quite quickly. The model is by HobbyBoss and is classed as an easy build kit, it certainly didn't take long to assemble. The paint scheme and decals are for the P39-N flown by Major Sirotin in 1944

My only complaint was that the aircraft is tail heavy so it doesn't sit properly on it undercarriage. I normally assemble my aircraft flying but the kit only gives the option of having undercarriage down. In retrospect I should have taken the time to modify it into a proper flying version. (I may still do this if it gets damaged)

My impulse for buying it is from reading "Attack of the Aircobras, Soviet Aces, American P39's and the Air War over Germany", by Dimitriy Loza a while ago when I found a copy in the local library. Very heavy reading in the classic soviet style.


1 comment:

Ed said...


Just found this blog...didn't know you had a different one that Frundsberg.

I really like your SYW village concept. I'll have to look into something similar for the BAR boys.

Ed v. H-F