Parthian light infantry
Mig 3
Hawker Hurricane Mk IIc
M3A1 half tracks
Pak 40
Behind the gun are a number of Eidai Kubelwagens, I am leaving them at this stage until needed as I haven't finally decided whether they will be used in the desert or Europe.
Krupp Protze
Russian m/c combos
Merry Christmas
- Revell Me 110
- Hobbyboss MIG 3
- Hobbyboss Hurricane
- Airfix Auster (I need this for the SOTCW game next summer)
- HaT Chariots & Warrior Queen (not sure exactly how to use three warrior queens!)
- HaT Mounted Infantry (at long last a chance to upgrade my Airfix conversions)
- The Battle of Paoli by Thomas J. McGuire
- Gods & Generals DVD
- Osprey Campaign - Austerlitz, Aspern/Wagram & Lutzen/Bautzen (should fire up my Napoleonics again)
Polish commanders
I've still got a few more bits to finish painting and I hope I'll have a clean slate by the end of the year
Revolting peasants
More Macedonian lights
Apologies for the quality of the images as I was forced to take them in artificial light
Warboot at Manchester
There were certainly plenty of bargains, especially if you were into Fantasy, Flames of War or Boardgames. All the tables were booked, but some remained empty, this included one for one of the main enthusiasts for the event. Attendance was low, maybe because of the fog, maybe due to wargamers spouses insisting on going Xmas shopping, or just because it was a new event.
I broke even, managing to reduce my stock slightly but finding enough bits to buy.
Will I participate again? Certainly, it was a much better atmosphere than the normal scrum at a B&B. It made us wonder about adopting a more formal approach like this for Gauntlet.
Recon 2008
- An Airfix Emergency set from the B&B - I need an ambulance for the next big game
- The Mars GNW Swedish Infantry- I got tempted by the range of poses
- Strelets Turkopoles - extras for my Teutonic order army and at a pinch could be used as HYW mounted archers.
I also continued the sale of items from my stash that I have convinced myself that I'll never get around to needing/painting
The real temptation was the new buildings from Total Battle Miniatures as they were demonstrating their new black powder building range with a Napoleonic game. Luckily for my wallet it was 15mm rather than 20mm.
On the workbench - Dec 08
Anyway I am now shifting tack and plan to work on the following
- 1 x Panzer IV (early war)
- 2 x Krupp Boxer protze
- 3 x Kubelwagen
- 1 x Panzer III (Matchbox, I wish I could get more)
- A collection of various Greek light infantry
- Some Polish Hussar and Austrian commanders for 1683
- Strelets Medieval Levy
- Some Frundsberg flying artillery (a fun project)
Other activities are preparing for Recon at Leeds this Saturday and then Warboot in Manchester a week on Sunday. Oh and of course Xmas.
GNW/SYW Swedish Infantry
Austrian Commanders
The mounted generals are all Revell SYW Austrian Dragoon Officers with spare bicorne heads added from the HaT Napoleonic Austrian Dragoons set. These really fitted a treat as I found the other bicorne heads I had from the French infantry (Hat and Italeri) were far too large. The foot figures are from the Strelets Allied Allied Chiefs of Staff (2) set.
Notes from Romain over on The Guild picking up on various flaws in my depicting of a Austrian general's uniform
The hats are perfect!! So are the plumes! Well done indeed!!!
If you allow me a couple of comments for your info:
Austrian generals of the period had no lapels on their coats (only gold lace, Feldmarschälle had embroidery), and the vest was always red (red being the colour for the generalship) with the same lace. Moreover the neckcloth was definitely black by that time.
Generals would always wear white wigs (regs!).
According to original regulations we dug up, generals did not carry pistols, as they were not supposed to fight! I was very surprised when I learned this (pleasantly mind you)! It spared me the costs to buy a pair and have holsters made. However, all 4 corners of the shabraque would sport embroidered cyphers (emperor's initials and crown).
If you are interested, I can post a couple of pics I have from our reenactments. My uniform was designed for Marengo, where coats had changed from the collarless (open) version of the XVIIIth to either standing collar with coat buttoned (one central row) and no lace except for the cuffs, or still open (and heavily laced) with standing-drooping collar (which is the version I chose).
In the field, most generals would wear the Oberrock. The colour would be close to pike-grey (blueish-grey) or kornblumenblau (light blue).
As generals would buy their uniform from their own money, they seem to have used the opportunity to choose their own "style" within the limits (or outside).
The best example for this is probably the coat preserved in the HGM reputedly worn by Napoleon when he sneaked out in 1814. It sports a standing-drooping collar (a bit outdated ) AND 2 rows of buttons (like the Oberrock) which is totally out of regs!!
Black Prince
I changed my usual style of block painting over to a black undercoat then dry-brushing progressively silver, then white, then yellow, before touching up the blue and red areas. Overall it has certainly brought out the heraldry well.
Wikipedia details on the Black Prince
Austrian Revolutionary cavalry
The Hussars are a bit of a composite as they are Italeri French Hussars on British Light Dragoon horses, but they are quite close to the original style. The Liechtenstein Hussars fought in Italy at Marengo.
The Frundsberg Light Dragoons are a straight painting conversion of the Italeri British Light Dragoons. I did buy a few to many of these, but this is an excellent use of the spare figures.
All I need to sort now is the artillery, who wore a similar coat to the infantry with a corsehut.
DAK AT team
The 37mm Pak36 is from Matchbox along with a couple of hard plastic figures from their kits. The last figure is from the Revell DAK set.
GNW/SYW Swedish Hussars & Artillery
Next in this era will be the infantry.
Basing - my approach
Step 1 glue the figures down to a base. I'm still using mounting card and fixing the figures using a hot glue gun
Step 2 I paint neat PVA all over the base and then dip in in my sand/crushed kitty litter mix.
Step 3 Brush off all the loose basing material. A lot of the larger bits come off at this stage and might leave a bare area, if so just repeat step 2 on the area.
Then paint dilute PVA over the whole base, this ensures the basing material is firmly fixed
GNW/SYW Swedish Cavalry
Basically the cavalry unit (right) comprised all the figures waving swords, while the dragoons were made up of the remainder including the dismounted figures which I was not sure about, but they came out OK.
I'm not sure exactly how I'll use them, as I don't plan to do the Great Northern War (at present) but they will fit in OK with my SYW armies. As for uniforms I'll try and paint them as generically as possible for both periods. The cavalry is the Sodra Skanska regiment, which I discovered (after painting) had also been painted by Phil Olley, so I expect it to perform well.
Catching up

I had some Lithuanians light infantry for my Teutonic order army, so they are now finished, but I'd like some more, but not enough to buy another packet of Zvezda Lithuanian Knights.
Finally, Macedonian Prodromoi. I had been searching for these guys, part came via a trade, and the rest via a lucky purchase on the B&B at Derby. Now I just seem to have Zvezda and Hat Macedonian Cavalry to spare.
On the Workbench - November 2008
Over the last month, I've gained enough Zvezda Great Northern Wars Swedes to make 3 regiments plus I've already enough cavalry for 2 regiments, so my plan is to create a brigade each of SYW'ish Swedish. The third regiment of cavalry will be from my stash of Revell SYW Prussian Hussars, probably as the Blue Hussars. I just need a good online reference to check the uniforms before I start(*).
Other plans
- Finish the cavalry to support the Austrians in Italy in the Revolution, they now just need basing
- Paint up a Frundsberg Light Dragoon Regiment to support the Austrians (I'll probably add a unit of Austrian Hussars to go with them)
- Base up the Macedonian Prodromoi and Teutonic Order Light Infantry
- As a background task I'll get started on the Strelets Medieval Levy 1
* Swedish lace wars sites found so far
Leuthen Journal - unfortunately not enough definition on the prints to read the text
Kronoskaf - has details of the infantry uniforms
Svenska regementen under indelningsverkets dagar - unfortunately in Swedish
Royalfig - has flags
Medieval Britain
Foreground someone being knighted and the heralds, behind a rather menacing cowled monk and a relaxed group of Men at Arms.
Casualties of war bodies being dragged of the battlefield and an archer finishing off a fallen knight
Casualty clearing station
Prussian Landwehr Cavalry
For the 3rd I used the Esci Polish Lancers and the 2nd used the Hat Prussian Dragoons. Both units along with the 1st Silesian were in the same brigade at Waterloo, but during 1813 they were individually attached to infantry brigades in the army of Silesia.
For Martin
Fiasco Show
The show was smaller than before with everything confined to the main hall. There were some other interesting games, but I didn't manage to take any other photos since the battery on my camera was playing up. Hopefully one of the many friends I met will post some and I'll then add a link.
The high point was returning home with more money than I started as I managed to sell most of a large box of old/spare figures, and the new figures I would have bought were not available yet.
More HYW English Bowmen
HYW English
They will form the core of my Hundred Years War English army and provide bow contingents to others such as my Teutonic Order army.
Turkish Victory in Sidedeestan
After a couple of attempts Turkish forces operating in Sidedeestan captured two wagonloads of important papers from a White Russian force preparing to hand them over to the British. For his exploits Bolukbashi Allak Bullak expects to be promoted to Bimbashi.
The White commander Major Birkoff complained about being picked on by all three enemy forces and the lack of British support. In his report he claimed "We were robbed" Imperial HQ is very concerned about the loss of the papers.
Kevanski, the Red Commander, caused considerable damage to the Whites, but his conscripts lost heavily in a partisan ambush. Commissar Smirnoff observing his actions said that his performance did not achieve revolutionary standards and that he would be watched for any revisionist behaviour, especially given excuses "like my cards didn't turn up"
Major Shawly-Wight kept firm possession of the town of Nothguorb, and ensured his command was kept intact despite Turkish provocation. There are rumours that some of the Indian officers are calling their commander Shawly-Cautious.
The Partisans were also successful killing many Reds and Whites for minimal losses, unfortunately their commander Mehmet Arkus was killed by a lucky shot from the Whites.The Turkish troops are reportedly heading back to their base on the shore of the Caspian with their loot, pursued by the Reds and Whites.
The game was a variant of the wagon train scenario I remember as a table top teaser many years ago. The Whites had to escort the wagons across the longest length of the table corner to corner. In the farthest was the town occupied by the British, their allies. Arriving in the nearest corner to the Whites was the Reds intent on killing anyone. In the corner nearest the British were the Turkish with mixed aims capturing the wagons and/or the town. In between were the partisans, nominally allied with the Turks, but more interested in loot.
Whites: 1 Coloured (officer) coy; 2 plastoon coys; 1 cossack sq; 1 HMG; 2 wagons
Reds: 2 regular coys; 2 conscript coys; 1 HMG; 1 cavalry sq
Partisans: 2 coys rated similar to red partizans
Turks: 2 infantry coys; 1 cavalry sq; 1HMG; 1 gun
British: 1 British coy; 1 Indian coy; 1 Indian sq; 1 HMG; 1 gun
A five player game, played at the club last Thursday. The rules were a variant on Red Actions with each units activated on the turn of its card. A clever officer card allowed "Clever officers" to take their action earlier (or later) when the card came up.
Successful trip to Derby
I had quite a successful foray to the B&B picking up quite a bit for the stash
- A mixed bag of HaT Alexander's Light Infantry & Zvezda Greek Infantry (I'm sure I need a few more lights)
- Two bags of Hat Macedonian Cavalry mixed with Italeri Macedonian Cavalry (should give me some more prodromoi, round off a couple of other units, and possibly use some for Successor Agema)
- Italeri AWI British Light cavalry (Complete impluse since I already have one set to upgrade my AWI American cavalry)
- Zvezda English Knights of the HYW (As I'm working on the HYW these looked too nice to pass over)
- Strelets-R Medieval Levy 1 (I need some scruffy types to back up the knights etc.)
- Zvezda Russian Infantry Of Peter The Great (2 packs) I was debating increasing my Marlboroughian forces so finding these persuaded me - they'll probably become German infantry in blue.
- Strelets-R Swedish Infantry of Charles XII (I always like strelets for the variety of poses allowing bases to become dioramas - so these will provide another regiment)
- Matchbox Panzer III (Hurrah, I've been looking for more of these for a while)
- Airfix Panzer IV (I need another short barrelled one for some early war scenarios, I'll try and model it as an earlier version than the F1)
I also picked up from traders
- Zvezda Polish Hussars (a cheap box and I really want the command figures)
- Fujimi Panzerjaeger I (again like the Pz IV needed for early war scenarios, It was nice to see Fujimi back on sale again)
- The latest WSS with the theme of Ligney by Barry Hilton, a battle I always intend to refight.
There were lots of traders and the venue is great with easy access and parking, natural light, far better than the old Civic Centre (shows how long it was since I was last at the show)
On a second foray back to the B&B I ran into Andy Callan racking through the plastics, both of us agreeing on the pleasures of rummaging and finding that long desired set going cheap. One of other great pleasures of shows is running into old wargaming opponents, like Andy, from other parts of the country.
Probably the next show I'll be at will be Leeds
The first details of our local Gauntlet show are now up on our upgraded Deeside Defenders website
Zvezda Swedish dragoons
On the workbench - October 2008
- Two units of Prussian Landwehr Cavalry - one unit will be the 3rd Silesian (using polish lancer figures) and the other I haven't decided yet, but will use the Hat Prussian Dragoon figures.
- Two units of "Austrian" Dragoons for the Revolutionary wars, one will be Austrian Dragoons in Bicorne and the other will be a Frundsberg regiment.
- A background job, just adding colours when I feel inclined (or remember) is the Strelets Medieval Britain set (the source of the bishop in a previous blog)
- Finally, another set of ACW limber horses and riders. Typically as I put the newly completed limbers away, I found another painted limber in the bow without a horse team.
The 3rd Silesian Landwehr Cavalry link comes from the Mont St Jean site, a most amazing resource for those interested in the armies at Waterloo.
ACW Limbers
During preparation a couple of horses snapped showing their age, this is something that occasionally happens, but I've never found a definate cause. Since all plastic is UV unstable over time one possible cause is that the figures have been left in daylight for a considerable period, but this doesn't explain many of my own old figures that this happens to as they are stored away in dark boxes in cupboards.
The Bishop
I'm back
I've got around to updating my Frundsberg pages and started a new AWI scenario - Gloucester Point breakout
While away I caught up with some of my backlog of reading including the Ospreys on New York 1776 and Philadelphia 1777, so expect some more scenarios in the next month or so.
Teutonic Order - infantry
The majority of the figures are from the excellent Livonian knights pack, plus quite a number of crossbowmen from the Revell/Accurate pack
I still have a few light troops (e.g local native militia) to finish, but I'm waiting to find some suitable figures to make up the numbers.
Teutonic Order - cavalry
I started with just a single box of Italeri/Zvezda Knights, but gained a lot more last year by trading. The Italeri figures are all knights and although a cooperation with Zvezda they are typical Italeri sculpts. As part of the trade I gained some of the Zvezda Livonian knights and these are far superior and include foot figures as well.
In the picture above are seven wedges of Teutonic/Livonian/Crusader Knights (EHK), backed up by five units of Brother/Crusader Sargents.
On the left two wedges of Livonians, if I hadn't had so many Teutonic Knight figures I would have got more of these
A wedge of Crusader knights - made up of Strelets mounted sargents on the Teutonic knights horses. This enabled me to mount more of the Sargent looking Teutonic Knights onto the Strelets horses.
The Teutonic Knights themselves in four wedges. My originals had been based with snow patches (made of perlite) but it didn't look right and worse when they were deployed on normal green cloth (or a white one).
The flags came from Dansk Figurspilsforenings a very useful site for flags
On the Workbench - September 2008
The main thing I'm considering is about starting is Hundred Years War English, this would be a combination of new figures plus reworking of some very old poor figures.
ACW Artillery
The artillery colour should be olive green, but I've continued with the same grey that I've used since the beginnings of my ACW collection, I can't remember how I came to use the colour.
Hopefully within the next week the Teutonic knights will be completed.