Crusader Foot Knight/Heavy Infantry
The last of my pre-fall painting, These are the Strelets Military Order Foot Knight painted up as 3 units.
Planning for 2021
Being unable to paint I'm Thinking ahead to 2021, I really don't have a specific idea in mind at the moment, apart from the first two on the list, other than that it's just speculation
If you have any ideas on where I should focus my attention, then please comment.
- WSS French Infantry and cavalry plus British Cavalry
- More "Three Musketeers", especially one the new Redbox mounted figures are available
- Colonials - Boer Artillery and French Foriegn Legion in camp and 37mm
- Napoleonics, Prussian Cavalry, Reworking old artillery limbers, Russian peasants for skirmish scenarios, More Spanish Cavalry, potentially upgrade Brish Infantry?
- Rebase my Early Imperial Romans - these are the last ancients that I haven't upgraded
- TYW Imperial Croatians/Polish Pancerni/Cossack horse archers/Russian Hussars
- More British and Jacobite for the 45, WAS and SYW, when Redbox release more figures
- More WW2 German cold weather infantry - 2 platoons
- Medievals - Scottish shiltron, Revolting Peasants (Zvezda), other odd units for Montgisard.
- Rework/Rebase Zulu War forces
- SYW Austrian Infantry (Roth - Wurtzberg)
- Cisialpine Infantry - three or four 12 figure units
- WW2 Japanese for Battlegroup Pacific?
- The terrain I have failed to make for the last two years
Merry Christmas
Prettige Kerstmis!
Frohe Weihnachten!
Joyeux Noel!
Feliz Navidad!
Buon Natale!
Wesolych Swiat!
Kellemes Karacsonyi Ünnepeket!
Feliz Natal!
Sretan Bozic!
God Jul!
Vesele Vanoce!
Merry Christmas to all the readers of my blog and some old rebased figures to enjoy!
The figures are all Atlantic
Frohe Weihnachten!
Joyeux Noel!
Feliz Navidad!
Buon Natale!
Wesolych Swiat!
Kellemes Karacsonyi Ünnepeket!
Feliz Natal!
Sretan Bozic!
God Jul!
Vesele Vanoce!
Merry Christmas to all the readers of my blog and some old rebased figures to enjoy!
The figures are all Atlantic
Painting/Modelling in 1/72 - My approach
I have often been asked how I manage to achieve such a high level of output of painted figures, etc and given my current problems this seems the time to try and answer some of them. First off, an admission, I'm retired so I do not have the pressures and time constraints of having to work. This is a benefit of "old" age but the downside is I can spend less time on concentrated painting before my eyes and body give up. On a good day I manage around four 1 hour sessions, so my approach to plastic figures is:-
Nothing special here, I used to just use Humbrol and mix up any colours I needed at the time, nowadays I buy the colours I need ready made. So my palette is a mix of Humbrol, Vallejo and Army Painter. Washes used to be GW, but they changed their formulation so I switched to Army Painter. Metallics I have found the best to be Army Painter.
I originated in the slap it on, then tidy it style of painting. I have moderated some what, but still paint all the major areas of colour before moving onto the faces, detais, etc. An exception tends to be C18 and Naps where I paint the white straps and light coloured facings first before starting on the coat colour.
Compared to the past, the major changes are my use of dry-brushing and washes. Most medievals are now undercoated black and dry-brushed silver, which deals with chainmail and most armour and highlights the other areas needing painting. Apart from faces and equipment I mainly use washes for C20 figures to tone and blend the colour palette used.
The underrated skill, I used to just buy the latest figures, paint them and organise them after painting. This ended up creating some strange looking units and odd left over painted figures. I now work to an annual plan broken down to monthly targets through the year. For new armies I scope out a broad plan before commiting any cash and keep a prioritised purchasing list, which prevents some of the "Oh shiney" effect at shows. Units are organised before painting and painted in a single batch. I think I reacted against being organised in my hobby while I was working, but now it provides the necessary discipline to keep me on track with projects.
Part of the reason for my high output is the large batches of figures I paint at one time. Batches can vary between 6 and 100 figures, the smaller being specialist units and the larger being the non-uniformed irregulars, usually the batch is one or two 24 figure units. This means I can systematically work though a single colour at a time, proportioately reducing the time spent preparing and cleaning up.
I am typically working on 4-5 batches at one time, so I can switch my attention between them according to my mood. So fine detailling is done when I'm alert and undercoating when I'm tired.
Another area of significant change over the years. Originally I just used green paint, then adding fine sawdust/cork. I then attempting various basing mixes before I ended up with my current PVA/sand/grit mix (link). Obviously This change has incresed the time it takes to complete figures.
- Cutting items off the sprue and tidying up the flash, either with a sharp blade or a heated pin
- Washing the mould release agent off the figures, I use the dishwasher on an economy setting (they go in with the rest of the washing up)
- Priming/Undercoating, in general I find white and black primers too intense making it difficult to spot the details. Normally I use Humbrol Matt Sand 63, but recently due to shortage I've been using a Vallejo primer, which is thinner and fine as a primer but not thick enough for an undercoat.
Nothing special here, I used to just use Humbrol and mix up any colours I needed at the time, nowadays I buy the colours I need ready made. So my palette is a mix of Humbrol, Vallejo and Army Painter. Washes used to be GW, but they changed their formulation so I switched to Army Painter. Metallics I have found the best to be Army Painter.
I originated in the slap it on, then tidy it style of painting. I have moderated some what, but still paint all the major areas of colour before moving onto the faces, detais, etc. An exception tends to be C18 and Naps where I paint the white straps and light coloured facings first before starting on the coat colour.
Compared to the past, the major changes are my use of dry-brushing and washes. Most medievals are now undercoated black and dry-brushed silver, which deals with chainmail and most armour and highlights the other areas needing painting. Apart from faces and equipment I mainly use washes for C20 figures to tone and blend the colour palette used.
The underrated skill, I used to just buy the latest figures, paint them and organise them after painting. This ended up creating some strange looking units and odd left over painted figures. I now work to an annual plan broken down to monthly targets through the year. For new armies I scope out a broad plan before commiting any cash and keep a prioritised purchasing list, which prevents some of the "Oh shiney" effect at shows. Units are organised before painting and painted in a single batch. I think I reacted against being organised in my hobby while I was working, but now it provides the necessary discipline to keep me on track with projects.
Part of the reason for my high output is the large batches of figures I paint at one time. Batches can vary between 6 and 100 figures, the smaller being specialist units and the larger being the non-uniformed irregulars, usually the batch is one or two 24 figure units. This means I can systematically work though a single colour at a time, proportioately reducing the time spent preparing and cleaning up.
I am typically working on 4-5 batches at one time, so I can switch my attention between them according to my mood. So fine detailling is done when I'm alert and undercoating when I'm tired.
Another area of significant change over the years. Originally I just used green paint, then adding fine sawdust/cork. I then attempting various basing mixes before I ended up with my current PVA/sand/grit mix (link). Obviously This change has incresed the time it takes to complete figures.
Premature end to the year!!
Yes done it again, slipped off a stepladder and broken my clavicle (collarbone). So my right arm will be strapped up for the next 6 weeks. So this puts an end to painting/modelling, but I have a couple of units just waiting to be photographed.
keep safe Will
keep safe Will
On the workbench - December 2020
I feel I'm literally on the last leg, It's been a difficult year, but I've kept painting and I've nearly achieved my targets for the year. Currently what's left from November is well underway on the workbench
So I will be working on finishing of the last of the years objectives and also staring something new.
So I will be working on finishing of the last of the years objectives and also staring something new.
- Finishing off the Crusader foot knights/heavy infantry and turkopoles
- 28mm Colonial militia (already started - back left tray)
- Another WW2 German winter limber as I found some wheels to fit an existing limber (started on back right tray)
- Then loads of the new Vietnam figures from Redbox
- Plus finishing off as much of the oddments that I have half started so I have a clean start for 2021
Renaissance Galleys
They've been a long time coming, but it has been a sequence of stops, starts and odd diversions that didn't work, until I had them close enough to call it a day. First up with Ottoman crews
They take my standard units based on 45mm square bases
A total of 5 bases, one command/crew, three sailors/marines and one gun
The Ottomans can be swapped for European crews
Similar crewing, but not as colourful
I haven't bothered with a rear awning as I haven't worked out how to do it and keep it removable and I'm also not sure whether it would be kept up during combat. If they furl the sails then I would expect the same for the awning.
basic construction is foamcore, with the edges covered by cardboard then planked, the ram is a left over piece of hard plastic, and the oars just matchsticks. The mast and spar are wooden stakes used for supporting small plants, with a kitchen roll sail. Hopefully I can use them with 28mm figures it it every becomes necessary.
They take my standard units based on 45mm square bases
A total of 5 bases, one command/crew, three sailors/marines and one gun
The Ottomans can be swapped for European crews
Similar crewing, but not as colourful
I haven't bothered with a rear awning as I haven't worked out how to do it and keep it removable and I'm also not sure whether it would be kept up during combat. If they furl the sails then I would expect the same for the awning.
basic construction is foamcore, with the edges covered by cardboard then planked, the ram is a left over piece of hard plastic, and the oars just matchsticks. The mast and spar are wooden stakes used for supporting small plants, with a kitchen roll sail. Hopefully I can use them with 28mm figures it it every becomes necessary.
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