Looking at progress against the detailed plan:-
First and foremost my plan is to meet with as many friends as possible, assuming that retrictions come to an end, other than that I'll be working on three themes. - underway - Beacon Wargames club is well established and we've now celebrated our first birthday. There have been less shows than pre-Covid and family comitments have prevented me from attanding others, luckily they do mean I will get to Attack at Devizes in two weeks.
Game specific projects
- Pegasus bridge and Horsa glider for a D-Day game - not started
- Continuing to build my War of Spanish Succession forces, as quickly as Strelets release them - underway - French mounted dragoons completed, still waiting for the new releases
- Rebase/upgrade the whole of my Anglo-Zulu War armies including the Boers - not started
- Attempt to rationalise my terrain - not started
Reducing the existing stash, I'd like to make at least a 10% reduction - underway - I had a purge in Q1 and sold some surplus on ebay
- Paint the already printed WW2 French vehicles - Completed, and painted the extras I have printed.
- Extra Afrika Corps and Italian figures to convert my Rapid Fire troops to use Batttlegroup. - only undecoated
- French Goumier Platoon - Completed
- An Australian Platoon plus supports for the desert/Crete, etc - Completed.
- WW2 German Gebirgsjaeger and remaining Two platoons of winter infantry - not started
- Cavalry for the Seven Years War/Jacobite Rebellion - Completed
- Napoleonic Spanish artillery and more cavalry - not started
- 1800 French in Egypt - double up the unit size from 12 to 24 - not started
- French Revolution - Cisapline legion troops - not started
- More Crusader baggage and Saracen cavalry - not started
- Imperial Croat cavalry and Polish pancerni - not started
- WW1 odd bits and pieces - not started
Exploiting the 3D resin printer - I'm learning about post production problems, I have lost several vehicles due to the models splitting. So once I start printing again I need to make sure the same problems don't recur.
- Completing my Japanese forces for Pacific/Burma, by printing a selection of suitable vehicles to hopefully cover various 1941-1945 campaigns. - Well underway - a whole range of tanks, vehicles and guns have been printed and most painted.
- Gradually replacing poorly cast or moulded models with new resin prints - underway - in the latest print run I printed replacements for my existing Somua S35's
- LVTs and any other extra vehicles so I can carry out Pacific beach landing games - underway - LVT's printed and painted
- Test printing of 20mm figures - Carried out, seems feasible, still need to decide on approach
- Components for buildings, doors, windows, shutters etc. - not started
- Try some 1/100 moderns for NorthAG - not started
- More vehicles for "Setting the East Ablaze" - underway - Lanchester armoured cars completed, still need trucks, Austin armoured cars need replaced
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