First off a pair of Italeri panzer I (I know, not 1/76, but lovely models) and Fujimi Panzer 38t's, one converted to a befehlspanzer. All of these came as part of a trade with Tim Gow, thanks.
At the back a Milicast PzKpfw 35R(f) mit 4.7cm and a Matchbox 251/7, the latter built at the same time as the DAK version.
Wot? No DAK! I've been enjoying the 'Afrika' posts as my first attempt at an army way back when was 8th/DAK in tune with the series then running in Airfix Magazine (or Military Modelling), but these look good to, there's something very menacing about the early war 'Panzer grey', even if they'd mostly be obsolete within months...where's the T34!
Thought I recognised them! Glad to see you putting them to good use.
Really like the 4.7cm Panzerjaeger. Nice work.
Nice stuff. I think I have a couple of Fujimi 38ts lying around somewhere if you want them. Drop me a line if so. Cheers, Alan.
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