The Zvezda guns and crews are really excellent and good value for money. Each comes with two crew so I've added an extra crewman to each. The extra infantry are from Plastic Soldier and will allow me to field my SMG battalion as a normal infantry battalion if needed.
For those interested the Zvezda 47mm is slighly smaller than the PSC model, so I won't be using them together in one unit.
Wonderful work here! I can never get the colour right on the Russian uniform, but you seem to have done it perfectly!
Keep up the great work!
Lovely Will!
FF, the basic Russian uniform colour I have always used in Humbrol enamel matt 83 Ochre, but all my new figures have a wash of GW Ogren Flesh (or the new equivalent) to give a better tone.
BTW the webbing (other than belts and a few bits) should not be leather but a shade like Vallejo Green-Grey.
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