Books Aircraft of the Aces 9 American P-38 Lightenings £2.00
Books Schwartzer Adler Seven Years War Rules £1.00
Books Soldiers John Keegan/Richard Holmes £2.00
Books The next Moon Andre Hue £1.50
Books Zulu War Rules £1.00
Dwarves (3 painted figs) £1.00
Airfix Asiatic Archers (15 figs) painted and based £3.50
Airfix Asiatic Archers (6 figs) painted and based £1.50
Airfix AWI casualties/Lying down (30 pieces) £0.50
Airfix AWI casualties/Lying down (30 pieces) £0.50
Airfix AWI casualties/Lying down (30 pieces) £0.50
Airfix British Commandos complete set on sprue £2.00
Airfix British Commandos (#) £0.50
Airfix British Paratroops complete set on sprue £2.00
Airfix British Paratroops (34 figs) £1.00
Airfix French Grenadiers (6 figs) £0.30
Airfix German Paratroops complete set on sprue £2.00
Airfix Japanese Infantry painted £4.00
Airfix RAF Ground crew (11 figs) £0.30
BP Casts - US 57mm & crew £2.00
Esci Japanese Infantry painted £4.00
Fujimi German Infantry in Gasmasks Mortar missing £2.00
GNW Russian Artillery (2 guns & crew) painted and based £10.00 SOLD
GNW Swedish Artillery (2 guns & crew) painted and based £10.00 SOLD
Hasegawa Japanese Pilots (4 figs) £0.50
Hasegawa US Pilots (4 figs) £0.50
HaT French line lancers (2 figs) £1.00 SOLD
Perry 28mm figures (2 Foot Dragoons) 0.5
Perry 28mm figures (6 riflemen) £1.50
Revell 8th army painted £4.00 SOLD
Revell German Infantry complete in box £3.00 SOLD
Revell Panzer Grenadiers one rifleman missing £3.00
Revell SYW Austrian Dragoons (12 figs) firing figures £2.00
WSS Austrian Artillery (2 guns & crew) painted and based £10.00 SOLD
WSS Austrian Artillery (2 guns & crew) painted and based £10.00 SOLD
Airfix Chieftain part assembled in box £3.00
Airfix Panther Assembled £3.00
Airfix Scammel Tank Transporter complete in box £3.00
Airfix sdkfz 234/4 Assembled £3.00
Airfix Sherman Assembled £3.00 SOLD
Airfix Sopwith Camel some struts damaged £1.00
Hasegawa Panzer IV Assembled £3.00
Italeri Tiger II missing hull hatches £3.00
Matchbox M40 GMC Gun missing £2.00
Zvezda P40 Tomahawk complete in box £3.00
German Festeshaus fortified building £15.00
Set of 7 Mediterranean buildings (see below) £25.00 SOLD
How many figures in the Revell 8th Army, painted? I am interested in them, plus the Med buildings if still available.
Picture of the buildings added, I'll double check the figures, but it should be a complete set.
email coming...
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