
All for one

Or not finished for quite a while, my latest collection of King's Musketeers and Cardinal's Guards from Strelets.

The mounted figures
King & Musketeers
Cardinal & Guards
Various French "Gentlemen" with a General
The new cavalry merged with the old Mars version
The duelists
The rest of the foot figures
I added a couple of the Ultima Ratio Musketeers so I could make a complete musketeer unit for Pikemen's Lament.
There weren't quite enough for the Cardinal's Guards, but I'll just add the halberdiers in when needed.


Phil said...

Superb figures and colors, love the musketters!

pancerni said...

Great colors used on the models, overall the effect is stunning on figures of this scale!

David Morfitt said...

Wonderful! Just crying out for a Three Musketeers skirmish game...

