On the left SYW cavalry and on the left the AWI, although the light dragoons can be used for both.
Front to back: Royal Horse Guards, Royal Dragoon Guards and the 4th Dragoons (all Revell SYW figures)
Front to back: 16th light dragoons, 17th light dragoons (Italeri), British Legion (Airfix RHA drivers)
A colourful array of horse. I have used Airfix RHA battery commanders for my Imagi-Nations squadron of light dragoons (only a squadron - 10 figures - probably to be used for on-table recon), I have the drivers, but short of mounts for them. They'll probably end up as artillery drivers...
Archduke Piccolo, I have done the same but created a unit of 16 light dragoons for the Peninsular War. The new Strelets British cavalry in Egypt are an interesting alternative.
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