I've had a number of problems with them, firstly heat distortion as the kit must have been kept somewhere warm. Mostly this can be fixed by dropping the part in hot water and straightening it out, but here the rear of the fighting compartments were badly bent and had to be held in front of a fan heater to softening them enough. I used some long nosed pliers to avoid burning my fingers. This fault also affected the gun mantlets, but here I decided they were beyond recovery so I constructed replacements with plasticard and green stuff.
Worst of all was the right track units, all were damaged and fragile. In retrospect I would have been better off removing the fragile material rather than trying to repair it. Eventually I gave up trying to get it right as it is a wargames piece after all and it needs to be robust. You can see the mess on the model on the right.
As the models were bought from a modeller they are three different variants from left to right SU76m (early) SU76m (late) and the original a SU76. All three vehicles are by Milicast
The guns look great! I like the color you used for them as well. - not too OD but not too dark either. Somewhere nicely in between :)
What make are they? I'm looking for a 20mm SU76 model or two myself for a disposable heroes game.
Nice work.
Steven the models are by Milicast. If you don't mind 1/72 the UM model is nice, I had one but it was out of scale with the rest of my Russkie stuff, which is 1/76, so I sold it.
Good work, Will!
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